54. Dead Soul

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Turvi's pov

Pain is all I can feel over my body along with a burning sensation.

It hurts to even move a bit from my position. Tears also aren't coming out. I'm running out of tears as I cried last night very hard.

I'm lying on bed now in the same room where he tortured me. Where he raped me.

Snatched my dignity from me forcefully.

I am not sure about it but why will he leave that opportunity?

He did a lot of things so why not this?

I just want to die for nothing else. My life is now a living hell.

Each day I will live it will be more horrible for me.

He is not a human, he is a devil, a pure monster under human skin.

Now I think it was better if my real mother chose herself over me, it was better if I never came into this world.

Are they happy that now I'm not a part of their life?

Stuti must be really sad but then jiju is there to support her. With time she will forget me. I will become a distant memory for them.

But mumma and papa? I guess papa is sad a little but not Mumma. She wanted me to leave right? I am a bad omen according to her right?

They all will forget about my existence. I will become a distant memory for them.

They will live happily and I? I will die everyday with my psycho husband.

He will kill me one day at this rate, that's for sure.

But will I regret being dead? Nope not at all I will feel myself lucky if I get the chance to die at least I will be saved from this daily torture.

He hasn't shown me his face yet and I'm happy about that.

No one has come here to check on me for that matter.

Maybe they thought I'm still passed out because of the inhuman torture that I beared.

Suddenly the door opened and I closed my eyes in fear that maybe that bastard is here.

He will again torture me if he found me awake.

But there is no guarantee that he won't torture me if he found me unconscious.

He forced me last night. He did what I feared most. He forced himself on me.

And give another reason to hate him.

He has ruined my body completely. It's filled with marks.

"I know you're awake." I heard a voice and that doesn't belongs to him

It's a female voice.

I opened my eyes and saw a woman in her mid forties was there. She has a medical kit in her hand maybe she is the doctor who treated my wounds

"How are you feeling now, mistress?" she asked and I just smiled at her

"I'm feeling like I'm in heaven. Because I'm dead." I told her and she looked sad

"Mistress I know your life is no less than hell. Master has tortured you horribly. But I'm helpless. So are others. Few are loyal to him by their own will, few are forced to be loyal with him because they fear him. He is very dangerous and he can kill you. I have a daughter myself who is 18 years old. I can't imagine this happening with her. I want to help you but in return I will get horrific death and so will my family. So please forgive me. I can just help you with physical pain and wounds. And one more thing don't do something that an anger master does because he doesn't show his anger like other people but the result of his anger is horrific. I don't know what you did that he tortured you this horribly. But please don't defy him from next time if you want to be alive. "She said and I looked at her with a blank face

I don't want to be alive, I want to die for real just like others think.

" Can you check something? "I asked her blankly

" Yes, tell me. "she said

" Am I still a virgin or he robbed it from me? "I asked her

" You're still a virgin. I checked you last night only. Your body is in bad shape and it needs time to heal. Don't worry about him, he won't be coming back for at least 2 weeks. He is out for business work. "she said and I sighed in relief

At least I'm going to be ok for 2 weeks but what about that? He will come back and again torture me.

He may haven't raped me yet but he will once he comes back.

" Now let me check you then you need to have food and medicines." she said and I nodded

I winced in pain whenever she touched the places to check my wounds.

"I need to change the bandages over 24 hours." She said I looked shocked

I was out for 24 hours? Wow just wow. But I should not be shocked. The amount of torture he did on my body it's quite normal to be out for that time.

She changed my bandages and wrapped me in a fresh set of bandages and left.

My whole body is looking like a mummy. Except my face he has ruined everything.

He didn't leave my private parts as well.

Soon Trisha and Sonya came inside with fruit and medicines with them.

"How are you feeling now?" Trisha asked me with tears

She is scared looking at me. Anyone will be scared looking at a mummy like me.

"How must she feel, Trisha? Obviously she is in pain after all she tortured this brutally." Sonya said and for once i agree with her

"But she completely deserves it. She disrespected master and got punishment as simple as that. But I must say the master Really loves her otherwise he won't be engraving his name on her collarbone with a cigarette. She is now marked again by him like his any other possession" Sonya finished her rant

I guess I talked a little early about her and agreed with her and waited. What does she mean by name engraving with a cigarette?

I remember he had burnt me with a cigarette but his name? Oh god did that bastard engraved his name on my body? Wasn't this sindoor and mangalsutra enough that he had to use that as well?

"Sonya shut up how can you say it after you were also tortured like her by your husband?" Trisha asked her and I look at Sonya in shock

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