26. New Home

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Turvi's pov

"don't be sad doll face, everything will be fine." Aashu told me to console me

I'm really feeling weird after leaving my home.

Most importantly I didn't want to leave like that but now it's done I can't undo it.

"I am fine," I said and he give me a look

"I'm really fine. You're with me then why will I be sad?" I asked him and he shook his head

"you know how to play with words and use them correctly." He said and I smirked

We reached his home and soon to be mine home as well.

"Welcome to your Palace would be Mrs. Raichand." Aashu said as I looked at the house no correction for this Palace-like mansion in pure awe.

It's so awesome and beautiful. I can't believe that he lived here and after staying here he managed in his dorm room.

" you have a beautiful mansion. "I told him

" correction we do. We own it along with my brother obviously. " He said

" Does your brother also stay here? "I asked the dumbest question

" obviously he does. "He said chuckling

God! way to embarrass yourself on your first day.

I just hope I won't make a fool of myself in front of his brother.

We both enter the house and oh boy the outside is nothing in front of inside.

I'm just speechless no doubt his brother thought I'm a gold digger because girls will kill each other for being here.

"where is your brother?" I asked him

"um he is gone for some work he won't come for a few days means we have our sweet time together. You know what I mean." He said with a teasing smirk

"yeah it means I can concentrate on my work and you can do it on your own. No funny business until we get married." I told him and he made a fake hurt expression

Nautanki kahi ka.. (drama king)

"ohk come with me I will show you your room that is in the middle floor between mine and bhai's floor." He said and I give him a confused look

What did he mean by floor?

"Oh I forgot to tell you we have our own floors. We have 4 rooms with office and other stuff on our floor and yes don't go on bhai's floor he doesn't like intruders." He warned me in a serious tone

I nodded my head in yes I don't plan to go there as well.

He took near an elevator. I mean really? An elevator?

"Be used to its doll face, that's how we live." He said without even looking at my face

He knows my reaction will be something like this only.

We reached the floor where I will be staying and showed me my room and god it's like I'm in some princess movie.

My room is decorated in my taste.

" did you liked it?" he asked me

"I loved it," I said and hugged him

"OK then you take a rest and get fresh. Your luggage will be here any moment. And if you need anything else then just press the button there an attendant will come up here to help you out.

You have a mini fridge where fruits, chocolate and snacks are present. That's the closet and that's your washroom.

And you have attached a spare room for your dance practice. "He finished showing me everything

" from how long you were planning everything? " I asked him and he scratches his neck

" um yesterday only. You know money does all the work for us." He said and I rolled my eyes

" You rich people have no other work I see. Only using money to do work. By the way do you even know anything other than wasting your brother's money?" I asked him and his face harden

" You have no idea about my hard work doll face. So you better not comment on that. I own half of everything my brother had and I have my own made property as well. "He said in all serious tone

OK I guess he didn't like my taunting about his work and status. Typical Male ego I see.

" OK ok no need to be hiper I got it that you had a big part here. "I told him

" now I will take my leave as I have work to do. Bye doll face will meet you in a few hours. "He said and kissed my forehead

My luggage also came as someone dropped it here.

" Asim sends Sanya to settle her closet and make sure she doesn't face any kind of problems. She is my fiance and mistress of this house you better not get her angry or disappointed because when she gets disappointed I get disappointed and you know well what I do when I'm disappointed right? "he asked that man Asim who is looking at floor like there is some movie playing

And let me tell you I don't know this man who said this at all. My Aashu isn't like this. He doesn't use this tone.

He behaved completely differently from what he did in my presence.

"Yes sir I know and nothing will be wrong I assure you. I will not let man get any chance to be disappointed or angry." that man said mononotely without any emotions and Aashu nodded

He is like he is in the military not in a house.

"now go," Aashu said and that man left

"Aashu, that's not a way to talk with anyone. He is also a human like you and me." I told him because I didn't liked it at all

"doll face I behave sweetly with you and Stuti that doesn't mean I'm like that with everyone. This is my other side that is for these people. I have to be strict to take everything under control. If you don't like me this way I wonder what you will do when you see bhai. He is another level arrogant jerk and an A grade asshole according to your theory. "He said with a smile and caressed my cheeks

This man is more than what I thought he was.

" you will be habitual with time.. Don't stress about this. I will be the same Aashu whom you love. Now I have to go. Soon Sanya will come here and set your closet. Bye," he said and left me there

What was that? God he became totally different from what he is.

Maybe all rich people are like that. I shouldn't think about it much unless he started showing his arrogant attitude towards me.

I decided to take shower as I'm feeling tired.

Soon a girl came inside. She was maybe in her mid twenties.

"mam I'm Sanya I came here to set your closet." she said in a monotone voice like a robot

What's this people and their robotic talks?

"hey Sanya first don't call me mam because surely I'm the younger one here. And yes you can set it." I told her with a smile

"I'm sorry but I can't call you anything else then mam none of our masters will appreciate that." she replied and started her work with concentration.

The mansion

Sitting area and staircase

Turvi's bedroom

Turvi's washroom

Dressing table

ashsank's bedroom

Aaryav's bedroom

Kitchen and dining area

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