69. She Is Pregnant

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

3 months later

"Mistress!" Trisha called Turvi but she didn't reply but just looked at her

"It's time to eat your lunch." She informed and Turvi nodded mutely

She tried to got up from the bed but couldn't as her legs are still weak she need a little help

Trisha was about to help her when a sudden voice stopped her in her tracks.

"You can go Trisha I will handle her." Aaryav said and without wasting a moment Trisha left immediately

She finds it poisonous for her to even breathe in same air as him but sadly she can't leave until he lets her go.

After all he is the king…

Turvi lowered her head and stared at her lap.

She didn't look at him…

"Let's eat outside today what say?" he asked but got no verbal answer from her like from past 3 months

Turvi hasn't uttered a single word after that incident. She didn't react when she got to know that Aashank is dead and his last rituals are done.

She didn't react when she could not walk as well. She started to behave like a puppet. Whose strings are in Aaryav's hand. The way he wants her to move she will do that only.

"Butterfly shall we go?" he asked her softly earning a small nod from her side

He helped her to walk down from the stairs.

He has also changed his ways in the past 3 months. He hasn't raped her for once neither hit her or abused her in any way. Rather he is behaving like an ideal husband who is helping his ill wife.

He tried many things but in return always got a blank stare or small nod from her.

He is dying to listen to her sweet voice and scream and sob her moans. He is missing everything very badly.

They both sat on the chairs in the seaside that were placed there with a table for them.

Turvi stared at the vast sea with empty eyes. She has no fire or spark left in her. Everything is gone with Aashank now she doesn't even want to go out from here and see her family dead.

She has accepted her life and has made herself his obedient wife.

Though she could not leave her bed, she never tried to get up. The girl who once loved to dance who's passion was dance now she doesn't want to even walk on her legs by her own.

Aaryav has successfully killed her soul leaving the hollow shell behind.

The day is windy and the sun isn't showing as well making the weather pleasant but Aaryav isn't happy.

Aaryav looked at Turvi and she looked at the sea. And that irritated him more.

"Look at me," he said and without saying anything she looked at him

Aaryav always wanted her like this, an obedient and submissive wife but when it happened he felt like something was off , something wasn't right.

He isn't liking her silence not because he feels bad but his inner sadist can't punish her for any reason now.

She hasn't given him a single reason to hurt her in any way. She is very obedient and listens to his every command like a slave.

He wants her to do something so he can punish her but at the same time he wants to have her heart but that seems impossible as she is still mourning Aashank's death.

She still loves him and removing him from her memories are really hard for Aaryav but he vowed to do that anyhow.

"Do you want to go back to India? I will take you back if you behave." Aaryav said but Turvi just shook her head

Aaryav can't understand what she is trying to do? Why isn't she saying anything? He didn't get her checked by a Psychiatrist because he doesn't want her to share their personal moments with anyone and by personal it means the time he tortured her inhumanly.

He expected her to scream at him, curse him, cry and try to harm him but she didn't neither she harmed herself. Not for once she tried to commit suicide and that make him shocked because he kinda expected that from her.

"Do you want anything?" he asked and she shook her head in no

He sighed and served food on two plates and asked her to eat…

She started to eat silently but she wasn't feeling like eating. She is feeling like vomiting everything.

It's happening with her a lot but she didn't tell anyone.

She never shares anything with anyone about her health as well. Nor is she in a state of mind when she can think about these things.

She ate half of her food as she could not eat further.

"What happened? Don't you want to eat?" Aaryav asked looking at her half finished plate

She shook her head in no and waited for a tight slap but that never came.

She sometimes wonders why he stopped abusing her like earlier. But thought maybe it's some part of his sick game.

She sat there and played with her mangalsutra (nuptial chain)

When she felt dizzy suddenly. Her head was spinning badly so she drank water but it didn't help.

Aaryav is eating so he didn't paid much attention to her but his eyes shot towards her when he heard the thud sound and found Turvi unconscious on the floor

He got up and carried her in his arms immediately.

Taking her in their room he called the doctor who checked Turvi after a long time.

In between she came to check her leg but not her body as it had no wounds for a few months and that surprised her as well. How come the monster spared her?

But her eyes widened when she checked her this time.

She checked her twice thinking that she might be wrong but no she isn't.

Her eyes filled with tears thinking about Turvi's future.

Turvi has got her senses back and now is staring at the doctor who is on the verge of tears now.

How will she survive now is the only question roaming in her head.

"What happened to her suddenly? Why did she faint? Is she fine? " Aaryav asked and the doctor gulped In fear but she know she has to tell

"Master she.. She is fine, it's common in these situations." She replied making Aaryav confused

"If she is fine then why did she faint?" Aaryav asked her sternly

"She fainted because She is pregnant master." The doctor said shocking both of them

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