22. He Knows Everything

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Turvi's pov

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Turvi's pov

Everyone is looking at me and then him with eyes wide open.

Aashu is glaring at me for saying the truth but it's the right thing to do only.

Truth is the only way to start something new. Lies don't stay intact for long.

"Impressive, I wasn't expecting truth from you not at all. But you proved me wrong. My brother thinks that he can hide things from me. He thinks I didn't run a background check on the girl he claims to love. Tsk!" He said and Aashu looked at him wide eyed

Well looks like if I didn't say the truth we both would have been doomed.

" Bhai how? "Aashu asked

" Do you think I'm a fool Aashsank? No right? I knew from the start that  she isn't what you told me. I didn't expect this from you. First I thought maybe your lover made you lie but here the entire scene is different. Jab apna hi sikka khota ho to dusro kya kehna. (when my own coin is at  fault then what should I say to others.) "he said with disappointment clear in his tone

" Bhai I did not mean to hurt you but I love Turvi very much and I can't lose her at any cost please bhai I'm sorry. "Aashu pleaded

We all are watching the drama silently. What can we even say?

" Anyways you have chosen a nice and honest girl here. Who cares about our relationship more than her love life. I'm really impressed with you Turvi. I am ready to make you the daughter in law of the Raichand family." He said and I left the breath I was holding till now

Finally he agreed. Thank god I said the truth. Otherwise he would never have agreed.

" Mr. And Mrs. Ahuja I will like it if the engagement is done soon. Marriage can be done later. "He said

" Mr. Raichand after 2 weeks it's Our other daughter Stuti's engagement. If you don't have problems then we can fix Aashank and Turvi's engagement on that day only. "Mumma said

" I have no problem with it. I don't want anything lavish, just normal. Because still no one knows about his identity. So you don't have to worry about anything. "he said with a smile

His smile is so charming just like my Aashu's.

He is really an angel who understands everything. And didn't demand for a lavish wedding.

My parents can afford a normal wedding like any other upper middle class people but not the billionaire thing. That's out of our league.

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