50. The Disastrous Wedding

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Turvi's pov

A girl has a lot of wishes in her life for that one particular day. Her wedding day.

She dreamt about it from her childhood that she will do this, she will do that and the list goes on.

I also have dreamt about this day from my childhood and when I met Aashu I dreamed about this day with him but now my every dream is shattered in pieces.

It's not less than any nightmare for me now.

I never ever imagined that my wedding will become the day I will detest most.

I'm here dolled up in bridal attire to get married with that psychotic bastard.

"You're looking so beautiful, my mistress, master will be awestruck by your beauty." one of them said

I glared at her but she totally ignored my glares.

"Don't mind her mistress. She is a blind follower of a master." Another one said

I just nodded my head.

"Let's go mistress, it's time." The same maid who compliment me said and make me stand

We went downstairs and I found him standing there in his traditional attire.

Sue me for saying this but he is looking extremely handsome.

The fact that he is hot can't be changed by anything but that doesn't mean I like him or something.

"You all did a great job with her. My butterfly is looking so beautiful in her bridal attire." He said roaming his eyes eyes on me

I looked at my surroundings and found it decorated for the wedding.

A priest is here as well who is sweating like a pig.

He must have threatened him as well.

" It's time for the wedding. "the priest said

" Sure, "saying that bastard hold my hand and dragged me towards the aisle

I didn't bother to stop him because I know he will show his psychotic drama nothing else…

And maybe kill one of these innocent people.
" You're learning fast. I'm impressed. "He said and I give him a blank look
" Smile butterfly, you're getting married, no one is killing you. "He said smiling creepily

It's better to be killed then marrying you but not being paralysed of course.

You won't kill me but surely cut my hands and legs and that's the last thing I want.

I kept my head down while the priest chanted the mantra.

I tried to zone out but that bastard dug his nails on my palm whenever I tried.

Soon we both exchanged the garlands and then took 7 rounds of fire.

All the guards and maids are watching the wedding with interest like it's some film.

My vision clouded with tears when he tied the mangalsutra (nuptial chain) around my neck.

And a sob escaped from my mouth when he filled my hair partition with sindur (vermilion).

That's it! Everything is finished, no going back from here. My life is destroyed by this bastard.

"Congratulations Mrs. Turvi Aaryav Raichand." He said and I cringed at my new name.

"If you don't stop crying then I swear I will give you a good reason to cry." He said when I started to cry hard

I wiped my tears immediately but they kept falling.

"Take your mistress in our room and yes take care of her. And you know we'll what you have to do later." He said and the maids nodded

They took me to a new room that's bigger and grand than the one where I was staying.

So this is the Demon's room. And my new cage.

" Sonya you go and bring food for mistress" the maid who has a sympathetic look said to the blind follower maid

"OK." saying she left

"Mistress listens to me and listens to me carefully. If you want to be alive then don't try to defy master ever or challenge him. He is a sadist who gets pleasure by torturing others he kills for fun.

He killed one of the maids as well whom you hit before and escaped. He is dangerous, please don't provoke him because he gives painful death. And that no one will want for his enemy as well. I feel bad for you but I'm helpless. Please Cooperate with him to make him happy and you will stay happy and Alive."She said the things I know already

I know very well that what he is capable of.

" I already know what you told me. What's your name? "I told her and she nodded

" Trisha, mistress. Me and Sonya both are your personal maids "trisha said

" Call me Turvi. I don't like to be addressed as Mistress or something. "I told her

" No I can't. Master will cut my tongue if I took your name. "she said and I nodded in acknowledgement

I should have thought that before. He is a sadistic bastard. He can do it.

Sonya came with food and I ate it without any fuss as I need food for energy. Because I need that a lot to fight that monster.

The day rolled away and night came with its darkness.

The night is moonless means tonight's lunar phase of the new moon.

No moon, only dark sky, just like my life with no light.

"Mistress you need to get ready for your wedding night." Trisha said and I looked at her with shock

Fuck! I forgot about my wedding night completely.

No! no! no! I can't let him touch me but can I stop him from taking me?

I don't think he will stop for anything tonight.

Will he rape me? If yes then he has to rape me only I won't give myself to him with my own will.

"Just like you didn't agree for marriage right?" my subconscious mocked me

He can get anything he wants from me by using my family as bait.

I just nodded my head and they took me back to the room where I was staying before.

They dolled me up in a red Kanjivaram saree with lots of jewelry.

They put a red bindi on my forehead and filled my hairline with lots of sindur

I'm looking so beautiful but this beauty is a curse for me nothing else.

He got attracted because of my beauty only I don't find any other reason for this marriage.

"Now you're ready for your first night don't make master angry it won't end for you good." Sonya said and I give her a shut the fuck up look

"She is right mistress." Trisha said and I looked at her

No need to remind me what I didn't forget in the first place.

They took me back to that room that is now ready for a wedding night.

God help me out from this shit.

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