62. Aashank Is Back

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Turvi's pov

I can't believe my eyes now. In front of me standing is Aashank. The man I loved dearly with whom I dreamt about my future is here. But what is he doing here? Won't Aaryav kill him?

Tears gathered in my eyes and it started to flow freely.

"Aashank!" his name came out as a whisper

"See I told you that you will love my gift." Aaryav said but I didn't look at him

"You can go for your work Zubair," Aaryav said and he left

"What are you doing there brother won't you come here and hug me?" Aaryav asked him and he smiled brightly at him

He started to walk towards us and hugged Aaryav.

My eyes didn't leave them for once.

"How are you bhai?" he asked Aaryav with a smile

He didn't spare me a single glance.

"I'm more than fine. After marriage life becomes a bliss you see. I'm so happy with your Bhabhi." He said and he looked at me

"Yeah I can see that, how are you doing bhabhi?" he asked and I looked at him baffled

Why isn't he looking shocked or angry?

Did he know about it from the start?

"What happened? Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked me and I did what feel right to me

Slapped him tightly on his cheek leaving my hand print on him.

"How dare you Aashsank? How could you? How could you fake your love and trap me here? Because of you I'm here in this state living my life like a dead woman. I had dreams and you both just broke them. You destroyed my life. I regret loving you. I regret even meeting you. I regret everything I wish I never met you. Loving you is the biggest mistake of my life. "I screamed at him and got a slap from my so called husband

" Is this a way to talk with your brother in law butterfly? Apologies to him right now. "Aaryav said but I kept my mouth shut I won't fucking ask for any fucking forgiveness

" Leave it bhai. She has every right to be angry at me. After all it's because of me only. "Aashank said and my anger risen more

" Turvi, see my love or my feelings none of them were fake. I loved you truly madly deeply. "He said and I glared at him

" Then what I'm doing here as your bhabhi Aashank? "I asked him

How easy I became Turvi from doll face everything is a lie. I was a fool to believe him.

" Bhai married you and faked your death for the world including me. I wasn't aware that you are alive. I got to know a few days back and here I'm. See Turvi I was angry at him for doing this but how long will I be angry with my brother? He loved you and got married to you. Now it's over. We can't do anything about it. And if you were still pure then I would have thought about you and me but now there is no chance for us. We are finished. As you know I like exclusive things and you're used by my own brother. And I don't like used things. "Aashank said and the tears stopped a few minutes ago and started to flow freely again.

His every word pierced my heart like a needle.

" I hate you. You don't like used things and I don't like a coward man like you. At least your brother is clear in his point he shows what he is unlike you who has two faces." I hissed at him wiping my tears

"Now if you're done with this drama then let's finish the puja. I'm hungry this morning." I said with a blank face

Both brothers looked a bit shocked but said nothing.

"Sure butterfly. Let's get done with it." He said and wrapped his hand around my waist and I didn't show any emotions on my face

You don't care about me right because I'm used by your brother? Then I will show you what will hurt your ego. You will see getting used by your brother only.

I took my plate for a puja and went outside.

Both brothers followed me silently. After doing worship of Moon I worshiped my so-called husband and he fed me sweet and made me drink water breaking my fast.

I could feel Aashsank's eyes on us but I pretend like I didn't notice or better I don't give a fuck.

"You know what the gift you give me today is the worst gift anyone can give to their wife. If you want to give me something then throw him out from this place. I don't want to stay where this person is staying." I told my so called husband and walked away from there

I ran inside the room I share with Aaryav and threw myself on the bed.

Why is it me? Why? What sin I have commited?

I kept shedding tears until I heard the room door opening.

I look at the door and it's Aaryav.

Now what more he wants? Want to rub salt on my wounds? Oh that's what he wants to do. He loves to do it.

"Butterfly I'm not here to rub salt on your wounds. You see I also don't like him here. I don't want him anyway near to you or me. But he is my brother's step but still I can't just drive him away. He just wants to stay here for a few days and then leave. He knows very well that trying something with me will lead him to death. So he won't do anything. And don't worry about him. You're my wife, you don't have to think about any other man beside me. He won't disturb you. "Aaryav said and I stared at him blankly".

These brothers think I'm a doll with whom they can play as they please.

They simply don't care about me or my feelings. Aaryav never did, neither did Aashank.

I just hate this Raichand men's hope they just die and rot in hell.

"Now it's time to eat butterfly, you haven't eaten anything. If you won't eat then how will you stay healthy? Come on let's eat." He said and I decided to defy him so he will give me some marks on my body

"No I wont. I don't want to see his face. And you don't pretend like you care about me. You are the very same person who locked me in a room without food and water for 3 days. You both are selfish bastards. I hope you just die." I screamed at him and prepared myself for the hits

As I expected he grabbed my throat, cutting the air supply completely.

" Aren't you talking too much butterfly? Have you forgotten your place? "he asked removing his hand from my throat

I know very well how to push his buttons.

" Yes I have remind me my place and that is being your sex slave right? "I dared him and he smirked evilly at me

" You really like to push my buttons right? You think you're my sex slave fine then I will show you what a sex slave is. "He said and dragged me out".

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