30. Meeting Stuti

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Turvi's pov

I can't believe my eyes what he got me as gifts.

"oh my goodness Aashu! You got me my favourite things. A butterfly ankle chain, a butterfly ring, a butterfly pendant along with butterfly studs, another set of pendants and studs, a ring chain bracelet with Butterfly sarees. God you just made me super happy. Thank you so much for it." I said and send him flying kiss

He just give Me my most favourite things.

I am kind of obsessed with butterflies and their accessories.

I like it very much but Mom doesn't allow me to wear it saying that if I use too many butterfly things then either I will be caged or get crushed like a butterfly.

Suddenly I heard someone clearing their throat and no need to guess it's my oh so arrogant jerk asshole Brother in law.

Fuck his age and relationship. I will curse him as much I want.

Respect isn't given because you're elder or something respect is earned and this man over here hasn't done anything to earn it but did enough to degrade himself in front of me.

"I knew that you will like it and yes now your mother can't say anything about it because it's given by me as your fiancé. And it's a return gift for giving Me a surprise party." Aashu said and I smiled brightly

"Very bad brother, you forgot your bhai before your marriage. What will happen to me after your marriage? I'm an old man who needs his brother for his future days." my brother in law said in a fake hurt tone

"bhai you got everything you desired. There isn't a thing that you want but didn't get. there is nothing that I could give you or something. It's you who always gives me what I want." Aashu replied

"Are you sure you have nothing to give Me?" he asked and why did I feel he was looking at Me?

I looked at him and found both brothers staring at Me.

"what?" I asked both

"nothing. You're too concentrated on your gift box." Aashu said

"Yes bhai I'm positive I have nothing to give you." Aashu replied

"my bad, but yes you're correct I get what I desire there isn't a thing that I desired but didn't get." my brother in law said and I rolled my eyes mentally

Both brothers are too full of themselves.

"yeah. Doll face you make sure that Sanya makes Stuti's room ready. You're going to be the mistress of this house soon so yes get habitual of it." Aashu said and I said what I should not

"um I will do it no worries but why will I be the mistress of this house? It should be your bhabhi (Sister in law) isn't it?" I asked

"yeah but as you know bhai isn't married and neither I think he will marry anyone because he doesn't find his perfect life partner in any girl. So for now you're the mistress." Aashu said and I looked at his brother who looked like he will burn me alive with his gaze only

" OK, "I said and ate my breakfast

After breakfast they both left for their work and I left behind in the Mansion.

I asked Sanya to make the next door room ready from mine. I want Stuti to be at my side.

I am honestly happy that my brother in law did some good work by lying about it.

In the afternoon , Stuti came here and I just ran and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you very much." I told her

"I missed you too Turu. Though I'm surprised that you got time to miss me. I mean you're living with your Fiancé so I thought you would be busy with some stuff and all." she said with a sly smirk

"Stuti babe you know what I won't say anything to you now just let your wedding night pass then I will take revenge because revenge is better served cold." I told her with a smirk

"OK I will just shut my mouth. Now tell me how is everything here? You're really fine right?" she asked me

"I will tell you everything first you go and settle in your room and get dressed in comfortable clothes. Then we'll talk." I told her

"OK show me the way." she said and I nodded

"Sanya sent her luggage in her room and brought some refreshments." I told sanya who nodded her head silently

"wow already mistress mode on I see. Not bad Turu." stuti teased and I just rolled my eyes

I showed her room to her and she was in awe just like me.

"it's beautiful." she said

"it is" I replied

"By the way, your in-laws house is also lavish. I have seen the pictures and you got a tour itself." I told her

"yeah," she said and blushed..

4 days back my jiju (brother in law - Suryash) took her to his home where his parents stay and it is lavish. And he is also taking transfer only for stuti so stuti won't have to leave her home town again.

How sweet of him isn't it?

"ok now go and get ready." I told her and she go inside washroom with her clothes

She came out after 15 minutes and Sanya also came with snacks.

"So now tell me, how are you really doing?" she asked me after I locked the door.

Can't afford anyone over hearing our conversation.

"honestly telling this Palace is too much for me. I'm not habitual of these things. You can't believe Aashu's behaviour here. He is just like those typical billionaires. I have ignored his behaviour because it's what he is. He can't change suddenly. And yes his behaviour with Me is the same or I say he has become more romantic.

And about his brother he is an absolute jerk. He is just too narcissistic. I just hate him but guess what I have to bear him for Aashu. "I told her

" OK I got everything but what about his brother? Is he back? But he wasn't till yesterday? "she asked and I took a deep breath and told her what happened

She had an open mouth looking really funny but this thing had nothing funny.

" oh god Turu. It's so embarrassing. And I think you should listen to what your brother in law is saying. I mean he knows Aashu from his birth. He has raised him practically so yes he knows him better than anyone else. And if he is saying no then don't "stuti said

" I know yar and after talking with Aashu I got why he asked me to hide it. Aashu is really possessive about his things. And I don't want any problems between us and it wasn't anything more then a peck so it's not cheating or something. "I told her

" Yes it's not cheating. So calm down and if in future you want to tell him then do it at the right moment. But in all the drama one thing happened good we both got to stay together for a few days. "she said and I nodded

" Now let's eat something. I'm feeling hungry though I had my lunch. "she said

" How is Mumma? "I asked her

" she is still stuck on her point. Nothing changed. "she replied

" Fine with me. Just a few months more once you get married then I will also get married and leave her to be alone and happy. "I said and wiped the lonely tear that escaped

" don't think like that Turu. She loves you but it's just she is a bit ok a lot orthodox. But she loves you very much. And you love her as well. So don't think this rubbish and be happy. "she said and I nodded

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