32. The Ball

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Turvi's pov

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Turvi's pov

I go downstairs and found both of them looking at me with a worried expression

They should after all I came from devil's hell.

"what happened? What did you do now?" Aashu asked me impatiently

"I apologise to him for nothing else." I said shrugging off my shoulders

"and what did he said?" he asked

"he said I'm forgiven. You know what I will stay the fuck away from your brother he is ugh! Actually you were right about him. I should have listened to you." I told him

He had already warned me about it beforehand only and after yesterday's incident I should not have done it.

Why can't I just shut my mouth?

" if he said you're forgiven then it's fine. But doll face please don't even do this thing ever again in future." He said and I nodded

*Now let's eat. I don't want her hard work to go to waste and someone will give bhai his snacks in his room only. "He said and I sat down

Though I don't have any appetite anymore, I can't let her hard work get wasted as Aashu said.

I had my snacks and went back to my room. I just want to stay alone right now.

Stuti is also in her room and Aashu god knows what he is doing.

If my life is going to be like this after marriage then god save me.

I laid down on my bed and decided to sleep for sometime. Sleeping is the best thing to do when you're sad or angry.

"Turu get up and have your dinner." I heard stuti saying and waking me up but I'm not in a mood to wake up

"go away let me sleep" I said

"lazy ass, get up or I'm not going to save the chocolate ice cream Aashu bought." She said and I got up immediately

Chocolate Is love and ice cream is eternal love and when these both meet then an explosion of love happens.

"I knew it will work" she muttered and I smiled Sheepishly

I go inside my washroom and wash my face and wipe it with a towel.

I combed my hair a bit so I looked presentable.

We both go downstairs and I find both brothers talking about something and they stopped immediately when they saw us

What are they talking about anyways?

We both sat on our seats and I didn't look at him.

"Doll face, Stuti I have something to tell." Aashu said

"Yes.." stuti replied

"um the day after tomorrow we have a party um kind of ball thing and the theme is Victorian. So you have to be ready in that clothes and jewellery." He said

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