29. Over Possessive

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Turvi's pov

" What will you tell me, Doll face? " Aashu asked me making me freeze in my place.

I looked at Aashu who was standing at the door.

His brother has his ever so calm and cold expression on his face.

Like he isn't bothered about it at all.

And why should he be bothered? He only wants to damage everything.

"What happened to you doll face? What you wanted to tell me?" he asked me

"actually Aashu…" "Actually she is feeling a bit sad as she is away from her sister. She was telling me that she never parted away from her so yeah she wanted to meet her so she wanted to tell you that either you bring her or take her to meet her sister." his brother cut me off in middle

Why doesn't this man want me to spill the truth?

" Ohh! Yeah that's true that they never stayed away even stuti was saying that she missed her a lot. I will do one thing. I will bring her here so you both can spend time together and she will be married soon as well." Aashu said with a smile

"but bhai what were you doing here at this time?" he asked his brother

Great now Answer him Mr. I do everything correct

"Actually I came here to thank her. You see she made my brother happy by coming into his life so yeah just a little chat. By the way Brother why did you burned your new clothes?" he asked Aashu

Such a liar he is. I need to stay the fuck away from him.

"Oh that's because asim put my clothes in your closet first then he brings them back knowing it's mine. You know bhai I don't like used things. I want and love my things to be exclusively mine.

I'm possessive about my things you know that don't you? And what I don't get exclusively I destroy it completely because no one can have my things in any way. "Aashu said all seriously and I saw his brother smirking and giving me look saying

" I told you so "

I gulped audibly hearing that.

" I think I should go now. I need rest. I'm tired. Good night to both of you. Have a great night. "He said and we both mumbled a good night

Once he left Aashu locked the door he came towards me and hugged me tightly.

" Thank you so much doll face for doing everything. Bhai looks impressed by you. He never shows his emotions like this. You must have done something really good.

And why didn't you tell me earlier that you're missing Stuti? I would have done something na. Anyways I was planning to bring her here in a few days but now as you have asked me I will make sure she comes here tomorrow only. "He said still hugging me

" Aashu will you answer my one question honestly? "I asked him

He broke the hug and looked at me with a frown.

" when did I ever….. "He was about to say when did he lied but stopped when I give him a look

" OK I got that. Yeah ask I will answer. "He said

" umm what would be your reaction if you get to know that my first kiss isn't you but someone else? "I asked him and his eyes darken

He held my waist tightly and pulled me towards him making me wince in pain.

He is hurting me now.

" I will kill that person who dared to take what's mine. I am a very possessive man, Doll face and I don't share unless it's a part of my facade. Whatever I says I mean it." He said and I looked at him with horror

What would he do if he got to know about my peck with his brother?

" hey doll face, no need to be afraid. I know that you haven't got your first kiss because it's mine to take after our marriage on our wedding night. But tell me one thing why this sudden question?" he asked

I can't tell him the truth he will go mad and then both brothers will become enemies all because of me.

Maybe his brother doesn't want him to know because of this only?

He knows his brother better than me.

" hey what are you thinking? Did you kissed anyone Turvi?" he asked and I didn't missed that he used my name not doll face

"no not at all. Just thought to ask you. As you just burned your new clothes because it was in your brother's closet he maybe hasn't even worn them but still you did so I'm just asking what would be your reaction." I lied to him

I can't take any risk.

" oh, yeah I am like that only. You will get to know me more as you spend time with me. I will show you my every side slowly slowly layer by layer. Now I think you should sleep and you must be tired. "He said and kissed my forehead lovingly

" good night, "I said

" good night, "he replied and left

I locked the door and laid on my bed.

God this both brothers are something.

Both are crazy.

Maybe Aashu is one of those rich spoilt brats and his brother the typical egoistic CEO.

Aashu has shades that I also know it's not all of him that he shows.

I have to be careful and try to not poke any of the brothers.

"Yeah, like you didn't just argue with his elder brother." my mind mocked

"shut up it was an accident in their heat of the moment I said those things." I told her

I closed my eyes to sleep and thankfully I didn't have to fight to sleep.

Next morning I got up and did my routine.

I wore a Quarter sleeves red ankle length forck suit with stone work over upper body

as Aashu told me before to wear something that cover me at least for starting days in front of his brother.

I went downstairs and found both brothers on the dining table.

"good morning Doll face." Aashu greeted me

"good morning." I replied

"good morning Turvi hope you slept well" his brother asked

"Yes I slept well thank you for asking Bhaiya." I told him with a forced smile

I sat opposite of Aashu as his brother was sitting on the head chair.

Sanya came and served us our breakfast.

She gives me my special breakfast that Is according to my new diet chart.

" Doll face I have some gift for you. Do you want it now or later?" Aashu asked me

"um whenever you feel like giving me." I told him

"OK then, here take it." He said and hand me a box

"When did you buyed it?" I asked him

"Well, perks of being a billionaire you see." He said and I rolled my eyes

I opened the box and the gift made me smile immediately.

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