13. Brother Dearest

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I wasn't supposed to update but i did for @shailahashmi

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I wasn't supposed to update but i did for @shailahashmi

Today is her birthday

Happy birthday to you 💝 💝 💝

Turvi's pov

I am in total shock after hearing everything and he still has something to say? What more he has in his sleeves?

"Doll face my brother is different. I mean he is like everyone but his thinking is a little different." Aashu stuttered

"Aashu cut the crap and tell me clearly what you mean." I told him

He took a deep breath and said

"Hedoesntlikegirlslikeyouwhowearshortdressortalkboldly." He says and I swear I didn't understand a single word he said

"What is your problem man? Why can't you say it clearly?" I asked him

"He doesn't like girls like you who wear short dresses and talk boldly. He likes girls who are silent types like Stuti kind. He believes girls should only wear covered clothes and obey her father before marriage and after marriage her husband.

He is a little orthodox in this matter. Other than that he is good at heart. You just have to pretend in front of him.. Be what I say and everything will be perfect. I promise after marriage we will stay separated so it won't be a problem. But please until that please pretend in front of him. "he said and I look at him with anger

What the fuck is going on here? Is it some shock day or what? He is giving me shock upon shocks.

" Aashank, are you listening to yourself? You are asking me to lie to your brother? In base of lie no relationship stands. What will he think about me after he knows that I am not what I pretended to be.

Scratch about me what about you? You're his brother for god sake what will he think about you? That his own brother lied and cheated him? You told me na that he has raised you after your parents sudden death? Then how can you do it with him? "I asked him

How can he even think about it? It's utterly selfishness, nothing else. His brother deserves truth at least after all he has taken care of him for so long.

" Turvi it's not easy. Do you think I don't love my brother enough? He is my everything. He is my parent, friend, brother, everything. It hurts to think that I have to lie but I can't do anything about it.

I love you as well and I can't choose between you two. You both are important for me. If one lie can save everything then let it be like that only. "He said in a stressed voice

This is the worst date ever that anyone had faced I guess. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be romantic or funny but definitely not this.

" please doll face I'm begging you please agree, I can't stay without both of you. You both are the only people whom I love too much." He said with tears in his eyes

God, no no no please no.

"Aashu please don't cry please. OK I will pretend. I will do what you said. Don't cry I love you. You know that right?" I asked him and he nodded

"OK now if everything is settled should we enjoy our date?" I asked him to distract his mind

"I'm really sorry for officially ruining our first date." He apologies

"it's ok." I told him

it's not OK... but I can't tell him that.

We had our dinner but before that we danced together while he was singing.

And I asked him about his brother hating music so he said it is a lie. It's nothing like that..

God knows how much truth he had hidden from me. He had told me everything but still I feel there is something that he is hiding and that something is really important.

But I didn't pressure him. He will open up to me eventually.

Our date night ended and he dropped Me to my apartment.

I went inside our flat and Stuti started her rapid fire round but I told her that I will talk to her tomorrow and close my room.

I know she must be thinking that what happened but honestly my brain needs rest and time to absorb all the information I gotta know tonight.

I changed my clothes and slept directly.

Next morning I got up early as I slept early.

I did my business and got ready for college. I wore blue denim stripe crop top with white denim mini skirt with a front zip

Once I'm done I go outside of my room and find Stuti doing her favourite work cooking

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Once I'm done I go outside of my room and find Stuti doing her favourite work cooking.

"hey babes good morning" I told her

"good morning to you. So now spill everything that happened yesterday." she said and I spill each and every detail

And throughout the way she was gaping like a fish. She is also shocked just like I was.

"Turu you're going to be a billionaire's wife. Oh god your brother in law is A&A academy owner so you can even fulfil your dreams." she said

"Yes but I want to do that on my own not because of some relationship Tags." I told her and she nodded

After some talk we both left for college and in college someone is missing, my new boyfriend.

I called him but his phone isn't reachable.

I left a Voice message for him.

I attended my classes with Stuti but my mind was roaming around Aashu.

He texted me back saying that he is OK but feeling a little off so he skipped college today.

Time started to run and soon our exams started and ended as well. Our relationship is going well but we haven't kissed each other yet. I want to do it once we are engaged.

After our exams now we have to wait for our results that will come out soon. Just few weeks the we will be going back to each others house

I have to inform my parents about our relationship and he has to inform his brother as well.

Once we reach our homes it's our first priority.

I just hope it will be alright but why is my heart giving me weird feelings?


What do you think about it?

Next update not before 20th August

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