58. Snatched Virginity 🔞

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Author's pov

The doctor came and checked Turvi and bandaged her fingers that are dislocated.

"master she needs rest and proper meals. Her body is really weak." The doctor informed Aaryav who is looking at Turvi who is sleeping because of the medicines she has after having soup.

"I don't care if the doctor does anything but I need her to be fit and fine tonight. And be ready she will need you tomorrow morning." Aaryav said and the doctor felt pity for the girl

"OK master." she said and injected her some drugs that will help her to regain her energy fast and she could cope up with the devil

The doctor left from there and Aaryav laid beside Turvi. And rub her face with his nose. And inhaled her body smell.

"your smell is so fucking addictive butterfly. Your beauty is too much to handle. I lied that day about it but what to do I wanted to hurt you. Because you made me angry. You're the most beautiful girl I saw ever and I won't be able to share you with anyone. No one will ever see your naked beauty except me. "He said and licked her neck

He held her tight in his embrace and slept with her for some time.

Few hours later when Turvi woke up she found herself in the room alone.

She got up and sat down feeling a lot better than before.

Her body felt energised though she can't help but feel tired.

"mistress you woke up how are you feeling now?" trisha asked

"better then before I guess." Turvi replied

"mistress I have to make you ready for tonight." trisha said and Turvi looked horrified

"There is no way to escape this Turvi. You have chosen it yourself. You have submitted to him. And if submitting to him gives you relief then do it." she told herself and nodded

Trisha felt bad but there was no escape. She has to do it.

She makes her ready by draping a black transparent saree with black sleeveless blouse on her lean body. She didn't do any make up or made her wear any jewellery as per Aaryav's order.

He wants her to be as natural as possible.

Turvi sat there like a doll and let her do whatever she wanted to.

Once done she left and came with food.

"eat it mistress." she said and Turvi ate it without any fuss

She knows the value of food now. She will never make any fuss over food from now on.

Once done everything Trisha left from there dimming the lights as Aaryav will be coming any moment.

Turvi stood near the window and let the cold and salty air of the sea hit her body..

She closed her eyes and a single tear rolled down from her eye.

She never expected that her most awaited day would become a nightmare for her.

She wanted to do it with the person she loves and who loves her back not like this.

Suddenly she felt a hand sneaking around her bare waist and hugging her from back.

"What are you doing here butterfly? You should be on the bed waiting for me." Aaryav said as he smelled her neck, removing her hair from her back.

Her bare back is inviting him to mark it again as his previous mark is fading.

"sorry," Turvi said out of fear that he may again hurt her

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