51. The Tale Of Past

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Turvi's pov

Sonya and Trisha have left me here alone waiting for that bastard.

My palms are sweating very badly. With the mere thought of tonight.

I couldn't even eat because of this.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and that devil appeared.

He looked at me from head to toe and hummed in approval.

Like I fucking need it.

"Sure you don't." mocked my subconscious

He locked the door and came towards me taking predatory steps towards me.

I took step backs but the bed came between.

Fuck you bed! Why do you have to come between?

"You're looking breathtakingly gorgeous. This married look really suits you." He said and I shut my mouth

"Don't open your mouth and give him chance to torture you." My subconscious said

And I totally agree with her.

"What happened? Cat caught your tongue? Won't you say anything?" he mocked me

"Don't you feel any shame?" I asked him ignoring the red flags my mind is giving me

"Shame? For what reason care to explain?"he asked like he doesn't know about what I'm talking about

" You married your own younger brother's fiance. You snatched his love from him. You lusted over his girl. You betrayed your own brother. Do I need to give anymore reasons? "I asked him

I thought he would slap me or scream but he started to laugh and it sounded like a dying whale.

" Oh butterfly you're so naive. Why will be I ashamed to do something that already has happened before as well? "he asked and I raised my eyebrows

" What do you mean? "I asked him

I will do anything to divert his mind from this so-called wedding night.

" Trying to divert my mind from our wedding night are we butterfly? Tsk you're very bad at that anyways i will tell you what I mean. "He said and I looked shocked

He is so clever, fucking cunning bastard.

" My mother Annapurna Raichand was first betrothed to my uncle Aashish. Just like you and Aashank. My mother was an orphan and not to forget a great dancer just like you. But she wasn't a disobedient girl like you.

My father saw her on their engagement itself as he was out for some work.

When he saw her he knew that he had to have her as his.

It was love at first sight you see.

Just like I wanted you..

My mother loved my uncle but then my father did something and she got married to him instead of my uncle just like you and me.

My uncle thought she betrayed him. And left India to handle our business outside.

Long story short my father tamed my mother and she conceived me.

From that day my father treated her like a fragile glass and showered more love on her.

My mother also accepted her life and decided to start loving my father as he is what she has.

I took birth and their life was happy.

My mother also fell for my father. They were the perfect couple.

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