60. More Trouble 🔞

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Night time came and Turvi became scared because she knew what's coming for her tonight. Aaryav won't leave her no matter what happened. He will take her again.

Turvi is laying down covering herself in a fetus position. She is shivering in fear.

The door opened and Aaryav came in all his glory.

"Pretending to be asleep butterfly? So bad you don't know how to act." Aaryav said and Turvi closed her eyes tightly.

He came near the bed and snatched the duvet from her body making her cry out loud.

"I'm sore please leave me alone tonight. I will die if you continue it tonight," Turvi pleaded with tears

She just doesn't want to get raped again by him.

"Is it so butterfly? You're in pain?" he asked her

"Yes please," Turvi cried more and Said

"OK I won't fuck your pussy tonight," Aaryav said and Turvi sighed in relief that at least today she won't be go through the same torture but it was short lived when he took her in bridal style

She shrieked in surprise and held him tight.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked feared of his actions

"I had said I won't fuck your pussy tonight I didn't said that I will leave you." He replied and Turvi prayed to God for her safety.

He took her in a room that only has a bed and with pillars and ropes around it and a few bdsm toys.

Turvi knows few of the items courtesy movies and porn.

" Why are we here? "she asked

" Aren't you asking too many questions? "Aaryav asked and she looked down

He made her lay on her stomach and hold her legs up and tied them in a position that her body is half on the bed half in air.

" Use your hands to support your body. "Aaryav said and Turvi oblige him

He took two nipple clamps and clamped her nipples.

Turvi screamed as her nipples are really sensitive because of his earlier torture.

" Shh! Don't scream much at butterfly that I have to gag you. " He warned her and she bite her lips to not cry in pain

He got up and brought a butt plug and held it in front of her mouth.

"Suck it butterfly," He said and pushed it in her mouth

Without her will she sucked it and once done Aaryav pushed it in her butt making her feel hell uncomfortable and in pain. But neither she screamed or asked him to stop because it's a waste of time to do so.

" You're learning fast. I'm impressed." Aaryav said and spanked her butt not too hard but teasingly

He sat on the bed and gazed at her lady part lustfully. Aaryav is a man of control he never lusted over any girl not even on Turvi at start but once he saw her naked glory under his mercy he can't help but feel an urge to fuck the hell out of her and that's what we call lust.

He is now down a little so her lady part is in front of his mouth.

He licked her for the first time and Turvi moaned unintentionally. She hasn't felt like this ever before.

Getting encouragement he licked her again and again and more deeply.

Turvi is a moaning mess. She is biting her lips hard so that she can taste her blood yet she can't be quiet.

Aaryav started to tongue fuck her slowly and she shook with the pleasure. But her body strained as she binds tightening around her legs.

"The more you move the more it will become tight around you." Aaryav warned her

She stilled hearing him and cursed him in her mind but this time she checked that she is not saying it aloud in this state she can't afford to make him angry.

He kept eating her like he was starved for days. And at a time Turvi stopped her futile attempts to stop her moans and let them out freely.

She is lost in the world of pleasure and has forgotten everything else. Her mind is struck in her orgsasm she just wants to release the knot that has formed in her stomach.

But suddenly Aaryav stopped when he felt her orgsasm is near.

"Don't stop please," Turvi said

She doesn't know what she is doing, she just wants her release.

"What do you want butterfly ? Tell me I will give you." Aaryav asked her

"I want my release please" she screamed shamelessly

"Sure," saying he dipped his head in her lady part

With his tongue he gave her orgsasm and Turvi felt relieved but as soon she came out from her pleasure land she realised what she did. She just begged her rapist to give her orgasm.

Aaryav rolled a condom on his shaft and used her juices as lube and thrust inside her butt hole making her scream in pain after removing the butt plug.

"So fucking tight. Good your butt is also virgin." He said and slapped her butt

He thrusted inside her and in between played with her pussy to give her pleasure but the pain is enough to not let her enjoy the pleasure.

He released himself and discarded the used condom.

He untied her legs and removed the nipple clamps from her nipples.

"you promised to not touch me," Turvi said still in pain

"I told that you won't fuck your pussy I never said I won't fuck you. You're really awesome and learning. Just be like this and I promise you that your life will be a heaven." He said and kissed her forehead lovingly

And he stayed true to his words. He didn't do anything to her except taking sexual favours from her.

She needs to give titjob to him everyday so he will allow her to wear full clothes. And fuck her at any time he want. He didn't even spare her on her periods. He fucked her analy that time…

4 months has passed like this and Turvi has accepted that this is her life but she doesn't know that soon something is going to happen that will change everything.

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