42. The Failed Escape

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Thinking why this lazy ass writer updated again?

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Thinking why this lazy ass writer updated again?

Because she has completed her 2 years of journey as a writer so party to banti hai

Turvi's pov

What the hell is going on? How the hell everything changed in a blink of eye?

I can't believe what ever happened here.

That pshycotic bastard claimed me as his fucking his.

My life turned upside down in one day.

Everyone is thinking that I'm dead. They won't even search for me.

Oh god where I'm struck?

This man is not normal, he is sick and he is dangerous.

He doesn't give empty threats and can do anything with me because I'm at his mercy.

Is it now my life? Being his prisoner? And be his fucking submissive wife?

No ways! It can't be like this. I will fight him till I can.

I will escape from here. I just need a chance.

Yes I have to escape and contact stuti or Aashu.

I won't marry him. never!

I have to do something.

Suddenly a girl came inside with food and clothes in her hand.

She looked a little older than me.

"Mistress your food and clothes." she said looking down

She helped me in changing my clothes because I couldn't.

"Listen please help me

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"Listen please help me. He has kidnapped me and held me hostage without my will please help me to escape." I begged her joining my hands in front of her

"Mistress, I will highly advise you don't even try to think about escaping because you can't. Two reasons: first we all are on the master's private island and second the minute you step out from here he will know. His men will find you even before you leave the mansion. And after they master will torture you but he will directly kill Me. He is ruthless and doesn't care about anything. So please for your and my safety don't think about this and accept your fate. "She said

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