67. End Of An Innocent Soul 🔞

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

"What did you think butterfly? That escaping from me is that easy?" Aaryav asked and Turvi shook her head in no hurriedly

She is tied in a chair right now in his basement.

"Then why did you dare to escape butterfly?" he asked wiping the blood from her forehead

"I'm sorry," Turvi said crying hysterically

"You will be a sorry butterfly after I'm done with you." Aaryav said with a smile and that scared her more

"Please, I'm sorry dont hurt me. I won't try to do something like this ever." She said crying

"You're saying to not hurt you but then what about me? What about my hurt? You also hurt me right? Then what about it? I was testing you both. Do you find me a fool who will believe his tricks? I am the Lord of mafia for nothing. Making me fool is impossible. "He said grinning like the psycho he is

" Now it's time for your punishment. Your lover boy is already getting his punishment. "Aaryav said and Turvi looked at him shock

" Please don't hurt him. He is your brother. Hurt me but don't hurt him please. "Turvi pleaded

She doesn't want Aashank to suffer because of her.

" Uff so much love and desperation for him huh? And this tempts me more to hurt you. "He said said and Turvi screamed as a sharp glass piece is stabbed on her feet

" This is the same legs right that helped you to go away from me? "he asked and stabbed another feet of her

" Ahhh! "she screamed in pain as blood gushed out from her wound

He stabbed her feet with glass pieces many times and made her feets a bloody mess.

" Now lets meet your lover-boy shall we? "He asked and Turvi shook her head no

Two men came with a badly bruised and Drugged Aashank.

If he wasn't drugged then no one can take him down. He is more than capable of handling all of them together.

" Hello brother, hope you're doing well. My men did a good job I see. I couldn't do it by myself, sorry for that as I was busy with your doll face." Aaryav said and Aashank looked at them

His eyes held pain and regret along with Anger.

He is angry at himself that he could not understand Aaryav's trap and step into it and land both of them here.

He looked at Turvi who was tied up and in very much pain.

" So much love for each other. Have some shame for both of you. You both are related as Brother in law and sister in law." Aaryav said and Aashank glares at him

He is not able to move his body due to drugs but he can understand everything and can talk as well.

" She was my fiance. She was supposed to be my wife not yours. "Aashank said

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