57. Submitting To The Devil 🔞

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Turvi's pov

Agh! God my cheeks are hurting so much.

I open my eyes but I can't see anything. It's so dark here.

Where the fuck I'm?

I tried to sit but felt pain in my body.

"koi hai? Please mujhe bahar nikalo. (is anybody here? Please take me out)" I screamed but no answer came

I remember what happened back how he slapped me till I lost my consciousness.

That man is a sick mental. He insults me knowing very well that all of them are lies.

What does he think of himself?

And what is cooking in his sick mind now?

And why just can't I shut up? Why I have to open my mouth.

Mumma was correct one day my sharp tongue will make me fall in trouble and see that's what is happening now , because of my sharp tongue I'm getting punished.

I kept laying in the same position but it's cold here. The floor is really cold.

I don't know for how long I'm here. I am feeling too cold and my hands are paining as well.

He didn't treat my hand this time. Want me to feel pain it seems.

What is my fault in all this? Why do I have to feel this pain?

I'm feeling hungry and thirsty but here is nothing available.

And I'm having problems with breathing as well the room has no windows or ventilation.

Or maybe it's there. Because I'm still breathing with a little difficulty.

"Please help me." I screamed but nothing

I don't even know what time or day it is.

For me it's all dark.

Suddenly the door opened and the devil came inside. My vision blinded with the sudden light that came from outside.

"How are you doing butterfly?" he asked but I kept mum

He won't get any response from me.

"hmm angry huh? Good you should be angry after all you had valid reasons." he said smiling like he hasn't locked me here in this dark room

"What do you want Mr. Raichand? What more do you want from me? Isn't that what you took enough?" I asked him in my tired voice

I just want to sleep now. I'm very tired.

"tsk tsk tsk butterfly. What do I want? Don't you know what I want? And believe me butterfly I haven't taken anything from you yet so that enough word is useless here. You have a lot of things to give me butterfly. A lot of things. Your body, your soul, your heart, your loyalty, your Submission everything I want. Your thoughts will roam around me only. No one else will be in your heart or head. I will occupy the place. "He said and bent down in front of me

He caressed my injured hand and I flinched in that.

" It's hurting right? "he asked but I didn't replied

" It should, it will remind you about not going against my orders ever again. Now tell me butterfly are you ready to submit? Are you ready to become mine with your own will? "he asked

" No! Never ever I will do that. I won't become yours at any cost. "I spat with venom

" Hmm the fierceness is still here i see. No worries I will like to see how long you will stay like this. Do you know butterfly have the power of hunger and thirst? I don't think you know. Hunger and thirst can make a man do anything. If there was no hunger then no one would have worked or did anything. It's all because of hunger. But don't worry about it, you will know in the next few days. You will stay here in the dark all hungry and thirsty until you submit to me. I will come daily to check on you. Bye butterfly. See you tomorrow. "He said left from there locking me in the room again

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Next day he came again and asked me the same question but I denied him.

I won't let him have me.

Passing time is the hardest work here. I am trying to not think about my hunger but I can't do it. I'm feeling like I will die.

On the 3rd day he again came back and this Time he came with food and water.

"See what my cook made today. Chole kulche, you love it right? But so sad you can't have it. As you are a naughty girl." He said and started to eat in front of me

I closed my eyes but his eating sound is irritating me.

"Do you want some butterflies? It's so good. The Chole is too good. The spiciness and tanginess is perfect. And this kulche. Oh devil it's so soft. Umm delicious." He kept talking

And my hunger is taking the best from me. I got up from the floor with a lot of difficulty and walked towards him.

" Please let me eat, please I can't do it anymore. I will die. "I begged him

I can't do it. I am feeling like I'm dying. My will power is on the edge.

" I will let you eat not only this butterfly but other delicious things as well. But for that you have to submit. Just say the words that I submit to you with my own will. You can do anything you want to do with me as you're my husband. It's not hard not at all. Just say this and you will be out from here. "He said and I kept looking at the food in his hand

My head is spinning because of weakness.

" I submit to you with my own will. You can do anything you want to do with me as you're my husband, "I said and fell down because of weakness

" Ahh finally. See it wasn't hard to say this now was it? You just wasted so long on this. I told you right that the power of hunger is a lot; it can do anything? See it happen. Now it's time to take you out. "He said and I felt him picking me up in bridal style

I wrapped my hands around his neck so I won't fall down.

" You just did what I was waiting for, butterfly , just a little more wait then we will be one. "He said and took me out from the dark room.

He took me in his room and walked inside the washroom.

" You are a dirty butterfly, you need to clean up. But I don't think you can do it so as a good husband I should help you. "He said and I kept silent..

I have no energy left in me. He was telling the truth, the power of hunger is too much.

I let him strip me from my old clothes and made no attempt to cover my body.

First there is nothing he hasn't saw and second is I know if I try to cover myself it will trigger him and he will again torture me. So it's better to let him do anything he wants.

He made me stand under the shower and on it.

Hot water felt so good on my body. My sore muscles got a bit relieved.

He scrubbed my body gently with loofah and washed my hairs with shampoo…

Once done he made me wear the bathrobe and cover my hairs with a towel.

He brought a Pink plain ankle length quarter sleeves suite with blue printed dupatta for me and made me wear it. Drying my hair he carried me outside and placed me on the bed.

My body cried in pain as soon it hit the soft mattress.

I was laying on a cold and hard floor for 3 days and that's showing its effects.

"You just wait here. I will call the doctor. You need to be checked up and then eat so you can get ready for our special night tonight." He said left from there leaving me wide eyed

What did he mean by special night''? Oh god I'm so dead!

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