14. Unexpected Danger

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Happy birthday bloomxNp 😍😍😍

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Happy birthday bloomxNp 😍😍😍

Today's chap is dedicated to you

Turvi's pov

Time passed away so fast that our result is coming out in just two days.

And after it we will leave. Honestly we will miss our stay here for sure.

3 long years we were here so it has become a second home for us. And it will be more painful for Stuti as it is her parents house.

Currently I'm getting ready to go somewhere. Actually it's our batch mates engagement. Yeah you heard it correct.

It's her engagement and we are invited and after 1 week of results she is getting married.

So I think we have 1 week for us to stay here.

As it's engagement so I thought to go with traditional. I wore frock quarter sleeves navy blue kurti with maroon velvet work on chest area and thread floral work on the border with maroon velvet long skirt below.

I mid parted my hair and made a stylish bun. I wore my favourite pair of long earrings and a ring in my finger that's it. I don't feel like wearing bangles and anything.

Already my favourite bracelet is broken

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Already my favourite bracelet is broken.

I sighed at that and touched up my make up.

I wore my heels and took my purse and phone.

I'm ready to go.. Stuti must be ready as well.

Aashu isn't going with us because he has some work that I don't know what.

I went out and saw my Stuti baby ready in an ankle length suit of sparkle golden work on the chest area and black band in the middle with red hangs in which black stripes are present with a middle slit and black long skirt on which golden border work is done.

"wow you're looking gorgeous," we both said together and laughed out loud

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"wow you're looking gorgeous," we both said together and laughed out loud

"We are so same, aren't we?" I asked her

"yup we are. Honestly you're looking so beautiful. You should try traditional dresses as well sometimes you look good in that.." she said

"and you can try western clothes sometimes you look killer in them." I told her with a wink

"Well no one can win against you. So I back off," she said and I roll my eyes

"Come on, we have to go, we don't have your hubby who will pick us up." she said and I blushed

She knows I blush whenever she mentions him as my husband but still she does it.

"aww someone is blushing. What's the need of Artificial blush Where I can make your cheeks blush naturally?" she said and laughed

"let you find someone girl then you will see how your cheeks stay red permanently. Don't mess with me babe." I warn her and she show me her tongue like a child

We both go to the venue and congratulate our batch mates. Oh did I mention that both are from the same college but different majors? I didn't think.

They are looking so happy and in love.

Maybe I and Aashu will be like this in our engagement as well.

Thinking about those moments fill my heart with immense joy and happiness.

The engagement ceremony passed and we did our favourite work.

Eating food. I tasted everything veg or non veg doesn't matter. I do it everywhere I taste every food item.

And about Stuti whenever she eats something it's like she is calculating something.

Like the spices and other things. But it doesn't matter in my case.

After finishing our food I saw it was already 10 pm.

"Turu we should leave now it's already 10," stuti said and I nodded

We both took ice cream and left while eating It.

It's my favourite flavour chocolate.

"Stuti book a cab please my legs are hurting." I told her

"Yes I'm trying but the network is weak. Give me your phone." she said and I give her my phone

"Damn not working. I guess we have to walk until we get some vehicle." she said and I cursed my luck

Today the alley is empty unlike other days.

It's a very populated place so people normally stay out but not today and that's giving me creepy vibes.

I don't know why I'm feeling like someone is following us.

I know we are no celebrity or anything that someone will follow us but my gut feeling is saying that.

"stuti walk faster," I said and she looked at me questioning but didn't said anything

"oh ho see two innocent beautiful girls walking alone at this time of night. Aren't they warned about this?" we heard some man saying and we got alerted

Fuck our life today Aashu has some work to do.

"stuti run," I said and she nodded

We both hiked our dress up and sprinted from there.

"where will you both go bitches huh? You will come here to us only" we heard another voice saying

We didn't stop nor did we turn back to see them.

We know they are following us.

God please save us.

Suddenly Stuti fell down as her ankle twisted.

"ahh!" she screamed in pain

"Stuti, god, get up we don't have time," I told her but she shook her head

"I can't. You go from here. My leg is hurting very hard. Don't stay back for me. Go." she said and I shook my head

No matter what happens I won't leave my sister here.

"Stuti holds me up and tries to walk. We will at least hide there." I said pointing towards a dark place

Those goons will be coming here.

She held me and I supported her body and dragged her till the dark place.

"Stuti hides here silently, nothing will happen." I told her but my tears are betraying me.

We both are crying silently and praying that God will help us.

"where are those bitches?" we heard same voice screaming and I hold Stuti hand tightly

I shook my head and put my finger on my lips indicating to not make any sound.

"The boss won't be happy if we lose them." I heard the man saying

What does he mean? What boss?

"found you bitches what did you think we won't be able to find you both?" someone said holding my hand and that made us scream.


Another cliffhanger

Hope you enjoyed today's chap

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