56. The Storm 🔞

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Turvi's pov

"Remember what I told you when I made you wear the ring? That if you dared to remove it then you won't have a finger left to wear a ring?" he said and I nodded

"Then why did you remove the butterfly?" he said and raised my hand where his ring isn't present

Fuck! Where the hell is that ring? He will cut my finger oh god.

"I didn't remove it, I swear on god." I lied because I did remove it but I think I wore it didn't I?

"Yeah if you did then it would be on your finger babe." My subconscious mocked

"Is it a butterfly? You didn't remove it?" he asked while caressing my hand and I nodded

"Don't you know that lying is bad? And bad girls get punishment." He said smiling at me

Whenever he smiles it brings danger to me nothing else.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my ring finger making me scream in pain.

"Aghhh! Leave," I screamed as I found him bending my ring finger backwards

"Please leave" I screamed and he left

My finger is hurting so much. I fell down on the floor as he slapped me suddenly.

What the fuck he want from me?

"Please leaveeeee….." I screamed as he placed his feet on my fingers

He is crushing it with his feet.

"How can I leave you butterfly? When you are clearly lying on my face. Not only this but you even removed every single nuptial from your body. You wore everything just few minutes back isn't it?" he asked and put more pressure on my fingers

"Leave me you psycho what do you expect me to do then? Wear this stupid nuptials that shows I'm a man's wife who molested me? Raped me almost? Tortured me? No I won't wear any of it can you hear me? I won't wear anything." I yelled in my mind

I can't take the risk of saying these things aloud. I love my life too much to say these things and get slaughter by him

He stepped aside from my fingers and I lifted it and kept it near my heart.

I caressed the damaged area and flinched. Tears aren't stopping flowing.

"So you think I molested you butterfly?" he asked and I looked at him in horror

How did he know?

"Answer me butterfly? You think I molested you and raped you almost and I'm a psycho as well huh?" he asked again

"How do you know?" I asked him literally, shivering in fear…

His eyes are pure evil. No humanity is shown there.

"Tsk tsk butterfly before pouring your heart out you should check whether you're talking loudly or in your mind. So bad you screamed them loud and I heard them." He said and I felt like i will faint

"Please I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Forgive me please." I told him joining my hands in front of him ignoring the pain in my hand

"Why are you saying sorry? You think I molested you right? Then why are you saying sorry?" he screamed at me and I lowered my gaze

"Who do you think you are? You're not some beautiful fairy. It's not that you're the only girl who is beautiful in this world. And moreover you are not even beautiful. The reason I married you was because you kept disrespecting me even after knowing who I'm and what my status is.

You know what girls like you are meant to just use and throw by men. Sluts like you who love to flaunt their body in front of men should be in a brothel. You fucking seduced me so I can notice you.

It's my fault actually that I even married you. Your status is just to be my mistress nah not even mistress but sex slave. I just want to break you to the extent that the fire in you will subside. And this sharp tongue of yours won't spill venom. I don't know what my brother even saw in you.

He is still mourning over you like an emotional fool.

Come on man she is gone and now move on from her and find someone else.

And about that molesting part. You're my so-called wife. I have every fucking right to touch you and do anything to you and your body. As your husband it's my right. I can even kill you, that's all my right. On your body, on your soul, on your heart and on your life I have every right.

I can have you any time any moment i want and it's your duty to submit to me not to fight me.

The more you will fight me the more I will torture you. And at the end I will kill you and Bury on this island only. Your destiny is death Butterfly but how you will get it depends on you. "He said and I swear his every word hit me like an arrow

I never wanted this. I seduced him? Like really?

" I seduced you? Really? From which angle you think I seduced you? Why the hell I will seduce you? You and me we both know very well whatever bullshit you said is lie.

I love your brother and was about to get married to him but then in between you came.

I didn't beg you to marry me but you forced
Me by blackmailing me with my family.

Why did you even marry me? And one more thing marrying me doesn't give you any single right on me. I am not your toy to play.

And you know what it's better if I was sold in prostitution then marrying you.

And if I have to die then I will die now only. Kill me because I won't submit to you. I won't fucking submit to you with my will ever. I will never accept you as my husband and every time you touch me Is equals to rape for me. You will rape me if you do anything and become a rapist.

I am not beautiful right? I know I'm not so go and find some more beautiful girl and fucking leave me alone. "I screamed at him not fearing him

He can't insult me like this every single time. If he wants to kill me then let him kill me. It's better than being raped and tortured by him.

If I knew that not showing fake respect and arguing with his psycho self would do this to me I would have never argued with him in the first place.

"So you want to be a prostitute huh? You want other men to touch you huh? What can I expect from a slut like you. You're a characterless girl who is ready to spread her legs in front of anyone anytime and in front of me you're doing drama?" he said and pulled me to via my hairs

"Listen here I'm not someone to be disrespected and keep this thing in your thick skull. I'm your husband and you will accept me and submit to me and don't even think about any other men because your slutty self ain't gonna have anyone except me. And about killing you I will do that when I will be bored with you after I break you. Don't worry butterfly I will kill you for sure but after I crush your wings completely. "He said and slapped me again and again

I felt the metallic taste of my blood when I felt darkness surrounding me.

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