11. Superstitious Or Reality?

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Turvi's Pov

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Turvi's Pov

Ever saw your dream coming true
? I did. My dream is to get the person's love I love the most.

I still can't believe that he loves me. I mean he really did and he even proposed to me in front of everyone.

I'm now in the arms of my love. We both are dancing with other couples.

"what are you thinking doll face?" he asked me

"nothing thinking how come I become this much lucky," I said

Author: poor you, you're not lucky dear but the unluckiest soul don't worry you will realise it soon

"it's me who is lucky doll face that I got gem like you."He said with a smile

" I was thinking what would have happened if you didn't confess it tonight? I mean I wasn't going to tell you about it and if you also didn't then we both would have not even know what we feel for each other. "I told him

The mere thought makes me shudder.

" yeah that's true. But see I did confess and you accepted. So don't think about those things. "He said

" Now after we go back we will tell our family about it. I don't want to hide it and moreover what if my parents started to search for some suitors for me? "I told him and his face paled a little bit

" Aashu what happened? Are you OK? "I asked him

Whenever his brother's topic came he started to behave weirdly.

" nothing happened I'm fine. Yeah that's true. I will inform my brother soon and yes I want to take you out on a date like an official one as a couple. "He said with a charming smile

"That's great and I want to go to the temple with you tomorrow. I want to take God's blessings. And Start our relationship. "I told him and he nodded

" Aashu I think you should dance a little with Stuti. She is standing there alone. "I told him because I'm not liking her standing alone

" You know you're the best sister, who thinks so much for her cousin. "He said

" well I'm best in everything." I said with a proud smirk

" oh yes that you're." He accepted

We both went towards Stuti who looked a little shocked when Aashu asked her to dance with him.

She hesitantly goes with him when I assure her that I have no problem with it.

They danced a little and she came back because she wasn't feeling much comfortable.

Tonight we got so many congratulations from our batch mates and from other departments as well.

And boy, Shravan's face was worth seeing. He was looking so pissed off.

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