66. Caught You 🔞

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Turvi's pov

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Turvi's pov

I glared at him with pure hatred. What does he want from me now? Isn't he happy seeing me in this state? He should, right?

"What do you want, Aashank? After sending me in this hell what the fuck you want from me? Or you're here to see my destruction and beaten state? Or better you're here to rape me as well? Yeah go ahead. You also rape me.

What am i? Nothing absolutely nothing but a body that can satisfy your needs. Go ahead.  I'm here for you. " I told him crying

Why is he here after everything?

He looked hurt by my words but I know it's fake it's all fake.

He and his monster brother both are the same. Evil and heartless creatures.

" Doll face I know why are you saying this and believe me I know I deserve more than this. But one thing I will say that I never lusted for you. Nor did I love your body.

I always loved you and my love has thrown you in this hell. I know you won't believe my words but I'm here to help you. I will help you to escape from this hell and start your life with a new point.

I maybe or maybe won't be a part of your life but I will do my best to help you. I know it's really hard to believe the person who has deceived you once but believe me I'm still your Aashu who loves you. Truly madly deeply. Your virginity doesn't matter to me, it never did . My words may show that I care but for you I don't.

I am here to help you. Bhai has given me the responsibility of your security. And he won't come back before tomorrow.

He has ordered me to give you food once. So I will come back later when I feel everyone is drugged.

You will run away from here and go through the forest. I know it's risky but we have to do it.

At the end of the forest you will find a small yacht ready to go and hide there. I will go there once I get a chance and then we both will escape from here. Then we will go somewhere where he can't find us.

I have to part my ways with you because he will catch you via me and I don't want that.

I have seen love and dark obsession in his eyes for you. Yes love is there as well but his love is toxic and twisted. "He said and I stared at him blankly

" Is it your some sick game then please spare me from this. I'm tired of this. I can't bare any more torture of his. If you want to kill me then kill me but don't make me go through hell I'm begging you. "I told him jointing my hands in front of him

" Doll face, it's not a plan or game. I'm serious. I did it with you so he can trust me with your security and then I will take advantage of it. Now don't question me and wait for me. Sorry I can't do anything about your clothes. You have to run in this way only. "He said and got up

" I will be back, "saying he left from here

I sat there pondering over what he said to me. What to do? Should I believe him? But what if he is lying? Or what if he is saying the truth?

I have to take the risk. I can't leave this opportunity if this gets me my freedom then I'm ready for it.

Aashank came after sometime and showed me the path that I have to follow..

I am running in the massive woods to save my life from that psychotic bastard. It's my last chance. It's night time and the darkness is making it impossible for me to watch anything around my surroundings. I don't know where I'm going or where I will go or how I will reach my family but I know only that.

He is behind me and I know if I let him catch me he will kill me for sure.

Aashank has promised that he will take me far away from here but how I don't know. Right now I really don't know anything.

My feets are bleeding because I'm bare feet. My dress is torn courtesy goes to that psychotic bastard who has raped me.

My whole body is covered with bruises and cuts and obviously those ugly hickeys. My legs and body is aching because of his torture but I can't stop. I have to go where Aashank asked me to.

"catch her if I didn't find her you all are as good as dead," I heard him screaming

Oh no he is coming for me. What should I do?

How did he get to know that I tried to run away? Wasn't he gone for the meeting?

That means it's a trap of aashank to make me suffer and I just stepped on it. Why I forget that he is his brother they both share the same fucked up blood.

He will take his brother's side only.

I don't have time to think over it now I have to run but it's like fate isn't on my side. It was never from the day that a psychotic monster entered my life in the disguise of an angel.

I tripped on a tree trunk and fell on the ground hitting my head hard.

I'm sure it's bleeding as I can feel the blood trailing down from my forehead to my cheek.

And my ankle is twisted as well I can't run anymore I have to hide.

I tried to get up as I heard their footsteps.

I hide my body behind a massive tree. I don't care if it has poisonous insects or snakes. I will be happy if they bite me and end my pathetic life.

I hugged myself tightly as I felt them approaching me..

Oh god please save me this time he will kill me or worse break my legs because of my attempt.

"butterfly where are you?" he asked in a sing sang voice that made me gulp hard

Whenever he seems happy when I disobey him it's become worse than a nightmare for me. He is better angry than not happy.

"Butterfly, you know that I don't like to play hide and seek, right? Because i always catch my victims easily. Such a boring game. Will you come out on your own or you want me to drag you out? Believe me if you come out I may think to not hurt you much but if I dragged you then you will be praying to God that you can walk again on those long legs. I like them wrapped around me when I make love to you but I won't mind to cut them off so you won't try anything like this again."He said in his cherry voice

Oh god please don't let him find me he is serious about it. He will do it.

I hold my breath so he won't be able to hear it and catch me. I can't take risks anymore, he can do anything.

" Tsk tsk butterfly I call you  butterfly that doesn't mean that you will fly here and there.. I give you chance a fucking chance to save you from punishment but you have to lose that as well now don't fucking blame me for what happens next.." He screamed the last part in pure anger

I guess today I will die like the way he wants..

I closed my eyes in anticipation of his next action but silence is the only thing that greeted me.

He is playing with me. He knows I'm here. He was trying to play.

Everything has become silent, no sound can be heard.

I couldn't hold my breath. I'm inhaling very slowly.

This silence is the silence before the storm. The storm that will end my life. I did many things but never tried to run away after he killed that girl.

He has punished me for those deeds but this time he will kill me. It's better to be killed.

"Gotcha butterfly, what did you think that I won't be able to get you?" he said suddenly coming in front of me making me scream hard

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