44. His Pov Part 2

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Aaryav's pov continues

We reached my hotel where I got a welcoming atmosphere. They welcomed me like the way they should after all I'm the owner of this fucking hotel.

"sir, your suite is ready for your stay." the manager of the hotel said and I nodded

He showed me the way and left after I'm in my suite.

"Zubair bring Aashank here. I have already told him that I'm here." I told Zubair

"Yes boss," he replied and left

I will meet my little brother after such a long time. We met 3 months ago because of my work and his own security.

Some fuckers are behind him to get me but they don't know that he is no less than Lucifer himself...

They know about his existence but not his appearance.

And moreover He doesn't need any protection or anything but still I prefer him undercover to save him from my enemies till I can after all he is my responsibility my only family left.

And he doesn't oppose me because he also wants this. He wants to live a bit normally with the girl he loves.

Yeah you heard it correct he love a girl and the funny thing is that I even don't fucking know who is that girl or even her name.

He has hid her from me very well and respecting his privacy I never meddle in his personal life.

Once he tells me by himself about her then I will do my research work on her.

The girl who ever is has wrapped my cold hearted brother in her pinky.

But I just hope she is a perfect wife material and just like the way she should be not a gold digger bitch or something. Aashank knows that and I hope he has not forgotten it.

I decided to freshen up until my brother showed up.

After changing my clothes again I checked some emails

Both my mafia work and legal business work has been making my days too busy.

Once Aashank finishes his college I'm going to hand over half of the business to him by announcing him as my brother in front of the media.

The knock on the door took me out of my thoughts.

"come in" I said and aashank and Zubair came inside

I got up from the bed to just land on the bed again because my brother just hugged me too tight and with force that we both landed on the bed.

"I missed so freaking much bhai. But you didn't missed me at all right?" he asked after sometime

He is such a baby when it comes to me.

No one will say that he is the same killing machine who kills without thinking its result.

"that's not the truth baby brother and you know it. I was busy with my work and that's why I didn't contact you." I told him as I pat his back and smiled

He got up and pouted.

"come on baby brother don't be angry. Now tell me did you propose that doll face of yours?" I asked him and his cheeks tinted pink slightly

Did my brother just fucking blushed?

Oh Devil this girl has surely fucked him bad.

"no bhai not yet but after 2 weeks on our fare well I will propose to her and I know she will accept me. She loves me and that's visible in her eyes.

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