71. Lost

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Turvi's pov

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Turvi's pov

Life is so unpredictable that we understand when we see it on our own. We never know what will happen next.

My life is nothing less than a roller coaster ride.

Twists and turns are too much to be in someone's life.

Loved someone but got married to someone else. Thought someone as my mother but in reality someone else is my mother. Dream something about my future but something totally unexpected happens.

In short whatever I planned never happened in my life.

When he raped me in front of Aashank I just wanted to die. I didn't want to live anymore after I saw him dying in front of me.

He killed him in front of me and didn't even blink for once.

His hands didn't shake for once when he killed his brother. Yes step brother but still he was his brother.

I just shut myself down because I couldn't take risk of suicide because there was no guarantee that I will not survive it and if I survived he would have tortured me in the worst possible way. He has already done a lot to me. I could not bear it any more. He made legs useless for me. What would have he done? Cut my hands? And can I bear more? No I can't.

I became what he wanted me to be an obedient slave slash dog because wife's aren't meant to be treated like this.

He surprisingly didn't hurt me again or raped me; he didn't even kiss me. Why was he doing that I don't know?

For 3 months I just kept myself locked like that but when the news of my pregnancy got revealed I felt like all the walls I made around my heart had crumbled down.

My emotions came out and I got a reason to live.

My babies. When I saw them for the first time I fell in love with them though they are just tiny fetuses.

But the fear again came back when I remembered what he told me before that he won't share me with his children as well.

I begged him to not kill my babies and he assured me that he won't do anything that would harm our babies.

After that day he is treating me like some queen. Bearing my all tantrums and fulfilling my every wish. He even loves the kids.

Aaryav has asked me to call him by his name and I was really shocked knowing it.

But I listened to him and started to call him by his name.

But with everything I'm feeling something weird for him. I am liking him or maybe loving him. I don't know how but it's happening to me.

Am I sane? I guess no, otherwise who will love her tormentor in their sane mind?

But after whatever happens with me, if I become insane then I won't be shocked not at all.

He has fucked me up bad that I can't do anything about it.

My brain or heart doesn't work on my will anymore.

It only dances in his tune.

Am I not cheating Aashank by loving his brother?

But does it matter when the person is dead? Is it still called cheating?

I don't know what I'm thinking or why. I should not think about these things and only focus on my babies and baby daddy.

I need to be good to live a peaceful life with my family.

Looks like I'm really insane.

"Butterfly, why haven't you eaten your breakfast yet? You know right that you are pregnant with twins? You need to eat on time and then medicines." Aaryav said and I turn around him

"I'm not feeling like eating." I told him and that's the truth

I'm feeling weird and a little pain in my lower abdomen.

"Why? What happened? Are you fine?" he asked me

"I don't know I'm feeling pain." I told him and caressed my tummy

Whenever I do it I feel the pain subside but today it's not happening I'm just in my 5th month.

So early delivery is not possible.

"You sit down first and drink some water." He said and made me sit

"Should I call doctor?" he asked and I shook my head

I'm fine, it's normal.

"No it's ok." I told him but felt a strong cramp

"Ahh!" I whimper in pain

"Aaryav it's paining a lot suddenly I don't know why." I told him and felt something coming out from my lady part

It's wet and sticky..

I touched it to check and gasped as its blood.

"Call the doctor, I'm bleeding." I told him and find him calling someone

Soon enough a doctor came into our room and checked me.

My pain and bleeding both have increased. My clothes are ruined so this is the place where I was sitting.

"We need to take her to the medical room. She is losing the babies ." I heard the doctor tell him

No my babies. I can't lose them.

"Save my babies please," I said in a weak voice

"we will try to mistress." she said and they took me inside

The room is big and has everything that is needed in a hospital. It's a mini hospital you can say.

My body is covered in sweat as I scream in pain.

The pain is unbearable now. I can't bear it anymore.

Soon I felt a prick in my hand and blackness surrounded me.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I wake up listening to this irritating voice.

Are my babies safe?

I tried to move my hand and touch my bump but there was nothing. It's flat.

All sort of negative thoughts are running in my head

No these can't happen I can't lose them no I can't.

"Butterfly," I heard him calling my name

"Babies!" I only uttered but he shook his head in no

"We lost the babies. You miscarried them and you can't conceive ever again. Your Uterus was infected and they had to operate it otherwise you would have died. And I can't let you die." He said and tears flew from my eyes freely

My babies also hate me. They also left me with these thoughts again. Darkness surrounded me.

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