63. Punishment Of Foolishness 🔞

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Aaryav dragged Turvi out from their room to his torture correction play room.

Aashank was outside so when he saw his brother dragging her with him he could not help but ask him

"Bhai, what happened? Where are you taking her?"

"Your bhabhi has forgotten her place and the rules so I'm going to teach her some lessons." Aaryav said with a wicked smirk.

"Bhai but she fasted today don't you think it will be too much for her?" Aashank asked and Aaryav raised his eyebrows

"You don't have to worry about my wife ,brother. You stay here for a few days, spend time and then leave. Don't interfere  between husband and wife." Aaryav said and Aashank fisted his hand but nodded mutely".

Turvi just looked at both brothers blankly. She is trying to do something but what she herself doesn't know.

Aaryav dragged her and she just looked at Aashsank but he averted his eyes from her.

He threw her on the bed and tied her up and gagged her as well.

"Today i will show you what a sex slave is." Aaryav said and brought a vibrator

He tore her clothes like an animal , making her naked in seconds.

He pushed the vibrator inside her dry lady part making her cry out loud. But due to the ball gag her cry came as muffled sobs.

"What happened butterfly? Already crying? Sex slaves doesn't cry so easily

You should have been habitual of it by now right?" Aaryav asked as he slapped her breasts harshly

He started the vibrator at a high speed making her moan out loud.

"Enjoying the pleasure huh?" he asked her as he sat down beside her

He pinched her nipples making her hiss in pain.

"Your body is so empty. It's like I haven't left my marks on you for so long." Aaryav said as he eyed her body

He again lit a cigarette and took a long puff.

"Remember it butterfly? How did I mark you as mine? Oh sorry how will you remember you were unconscious that day but today you're in your sense. I will again mark your beautiful body mine." Aaryav said and Turvi shook her head with tears flowing without any control.

She is regretting her foolish decision to rile him up. She forgot what a monster Aaryav can be.

Aaryav took the cigarette and pressed it on her collarbone making her scream as it burned her skin.

"Did you feel the burn ,butterfly? I feel the same when you disobey me and disrespect me." Saying he dragged the cigarette from her collarbone to her cleavage

Turvi thrashed but the binds restricted her movements.

The vibrator inside her wasn't helping her anyways.

She has reached her orgasm once but she is not feeling any pleasure in it..

Aaryav placed the cigarette on her chest and stomach area leaving burn marks everywhere.

Once satisfied with her upper body, he turned her on her stomach making her cry more.

"You know what I'm not liking. It's no fun when I don't hear you pleading." Aaryav said and removed her gag ball

"Please stop it. Please forgive me I'm sorry. I won't be disobedient ever. I swear I won't say anything ever please leave me it's hurting. Please!" Turvi screamed as soon as he removed the gag

"Why aren't you my sex slave?" he asked tracing his name mark that has faded now

"No I'm not. I'm your wife. Please leave me please." Turvi said while hiccuping

"My bad you're late to understand it." saying he again marked his name on her body with cigarette

Turvi cried, screamed, pleaded but everything goes in deaf ears.

"And I'm done, let's see what about your pussy." Saying he turned her again and got up from the bed .

Turvi has orgasmed for 3 times and her body is weak now.

The all day long fast then this torture is taking a toll on her.

Her body has given up on protesting.

" Hmm this vibrator did a lot of adventure inside you now it's my time." Saying Aaryav untied her and picked her up

"Today you will ride me and if you stop then I will again put this vibrator inside you and will leave it like this tomorrow morning." Aaryav threatened and Turvi nodded..

She doesn't want it inside her all night. She is already in enough pain.

And this pain is invited by her only. No one did nothing but her.

Aaryav laid down removing his clothes and settled Turvi on top.

Her back is facing him and her front is facing the door.

He want to look at her mark as he fuck her that's why he chose this position and he want her to participate as well.

Once he entered her she hissed in pain but bit her lips to not scream.

She started to move slowly and clumsily as it was her first time on top.

Aaryav didn't do anything but enjoyed whatever she was doing.

At a point she stopped as she just couldn't go on. Her body was giving up.

When she stopped Aaryav understood that her body had given up so he started to move his hips and thrusted inside her.

He did it until he felt his orgasm coming near.

He removed himself from her lady part and got up from the bed.

"on your knees." He order her and she obliged .

"Suck me." He order her as in hurry he hasn't used any protection .

She was on pills but still he doesn't want to take any chances.

Turvi obliged him silently fearing that disobeying him could again lead her to the same punishment.

She started to suck him but he wasn't satisfied so he started to thrust in her mouth hitting her throat making her gag.

He climaxed in her mouth and asked her to swallow it.

And she did it without delaying.

She just fell down on the bed as he pushed her.

"That's like a good slave. Now you know what a sex slave means? Though I have spared you because today you fasted for my long life." Aaryav said and Turvi thought that if it's his sparing then what will be his full punishment?

She shuddered remembering her past punishments.

Her whole body is burning and hurting because of the cigarette burns.

Her thinking session broke as she felt him inside her butt.

She didn't realise that when he turned her upside down.

He fucked her analy without using any lubricant or something.

"Please leave me," Turvi screamed but got a harsh slap on her butt

"Never ever say to stop or leave you because I won't do that ever." He said and slapped her butt again.

His torture on her weak body continues until she passed out.

But still he didn't leave her until he was satisfied.

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