59. Humiliation 🔞

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Author's pov

Turvi hissed in pain in her sleep when she felt something touching her private part.

She opened her eyes with great difficulty and found Aaryav cleaning her love hole with a wet cloth.

She wanted to go far away from him but the pain in her body reminded her to not do so.

She knows what can happen to her if she dares to deny him.

"Did I wake you up, butterfly?" he asked her in a soft voice and Turvi stared at him blankly.

"Are you going to be silent butterfly?" his voice harden and she understands what he want

"Yes you did wake me up." She said without emotions

It's like all her emotions are lost along with her virginity.

"My bad but I thought of cleaning you up. So are you feeling any pain?" he asked her like he doesn't know what can she feel after been fucked so badly by him

"My whole body is in pain." She replied

"Hmm let me give you a warm bath then I will call the doctor for you" he said and picked her up in bridal style

And as an instinct she wrapped her hands around his neck.

Her nudity in front of him isn't bothering her anymore. He has seen every inch of her body and has marked it so there is no point to hide herself and get abused again.

He put her down in the hot water filled bathtub and she hissed as it touched her sensitive body.

Aaryav also joined her in the bath tub and started to roam his hand on her bruised body.

When his finger touched her nipple, a sob left her mouth. As it hurt her a lot.

"Why do you make me so angry? See what I did with you in my anger. Just be obedient and respect me. And of course behave like a wife and I won't hurt you anymore. And yes our love making isn't counted here after having your body. I don't think that I can even stay without loving your body. "He said as he draw circles on her stomach

Silent tears made her way from her eyes but she wiped them quickly.

" I will behave like an obedient wife. "She said she wanted to add a slave in the place of her wife but she bit her tongue to not say that and got beaten by him.

" That's like a good girl. "He said and kissed her neck

But he didn't do anything else as he knows she is sore now. And any sexual activity can damage her more than he will like.

He washed her body and dried her body and did the same with himself.

He got dressed and Turvi stood there in her place in the small bath robe. Waiting for him to get finished.

She entered inside the closet but didn't see any of her clothes.

She tried to find them but not even a single item was there.

"Where can it go? I saw them here yesterday only." she thought

"Finding something butterfly?" Aaryav asked her with a smirk on his face

"I can't find my clothes." Turvi replied in a monotone voice..

"You won't find that as well." Aaryav said and Turvi looked at him blankly

"Why do you even need clothes? You're not going out of this room and if I remember clearly you always wore clothes that show your body right? You love to flaunt your body to others then what's the problem to do the same with your husband? I have all rights to see your body any time I want and if you stayed naked then that will be my treat from you. "He said and Turvi fisted her hands tightly..

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