12. Real Identity Of Aashank

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Turvi's pov

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Turvi's pov

I hugged Stuti and went downstairs to see him standing against a very expensive car.

What the hell is going here? First this dress now this?

"Aashu what..." "I know doll face many questions in your mind and I intend to answer them tonight. I have many things to tell you." He said cutting me off in the middle like he knows what's running in my mind.

"OK," I said because he has already said he will answer me so there is no use to argue over it

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"OK," I said because he has already said he will answer me so there is no use to argue over it

He opened the backdoor for me and I realised that he has come as a driver tonight.

I sat inside and he also sat beside me.

We drove towards our destination that only he knew where.

The whole ride passed in silence no one said anything..

We reached in front of a 5 star hotel.

I didn't react because whatever is happening I'm not shocked with it.

Don't tell me he Is going to tell me he is some billionaire or something.

He held my hand and took me inside. The whole hotel is empty.

"Why is no one here?" I asked him

"because I booked the whole hotel for tonight. They all will only serve us." He said and now I'm definitely sure my theory is correct

We walked inside and sat in the middle where a table was placed decorated with candles and jasmine flowers because I love them.

" Want to drink something first? "he asked

" Yes, some hard liquor so I can digest whatever bomb you're going to drop on me." I said and be laughed

" you need to be sober to understand everything. "He said in serious mode

" are you afraid of me doll face? "he asked me and I shook my head in no

" then why are you sweating in full air conditioning? "he asked and I realised indeed I'm sweating like a pig.

" Aashank will you tell me what's going on? you're freaking me out "I told him

" Doll face You know my name right? "he asked me and I looked at him with a duh look

" obviously I know. "I told him

" My name is Aashank Anirudh Raichand, son of Anirudh Raichand and younger brother of Aaryav Raichand. "He said and I swear my jaw fell on the ground

What the actual fuck? Scratch my not cursing policy.

Brother of Aaryav Raichand? Means the owner of A&A academy? And many other companies world wide?

" you are joking right? Please tell me you're joking." I told him no in hell it's possible

He is from a middle class family he told me.

"But did you ever see his brother? No right? He always avoided talking about him. Now the bells rang?" my subconscious asked me

"I'm not joking about this Turvi. It's the truth. I'm sorry for hiding it but I was forced to do so. It is about my security." He said and I know he is damn serious

"Aashank my mind isn't working tell me clearly what you want to." I told him

Honestly I'm shook up by this revelation.

If it's true then maybe I have to forget my love for him.

"doll face, when I was 5 years old my parents died in a car accident as everyone knows. My brother was 17 years old that time. We both have a huge age gap. My brother is very possessive of his loved ones that's why it took me 12 years to come into the world.

Anyways after their death he took my and the business's responsibility on his shoulder. He raised me like his baby, not brother.

He finished his studies along with it as well. But when I turned 15 some people started to attack me and the attacker and reason is unknown to us. I was very scared. Bhai decided to send me somewhere else as a normal boy not as his brother.

I finished my school somewhere else and now I'm here finishing my college. He doesn't like his pictures out much nor he had ever released my pictures.

Everyone knows about me but how do I look no one knows. I wanted to tell you everything when we became friends but bhai had strictly told me not to because it may lead you in trouble and that's the last thing I want to do to trouble you and Stuti.

My other things are true, it's me. Just my identity is different that I'm a billionaire's brother and totally loaded. Soon I will also join business as well. "He said and I look at him

He was forced to lie about his identity. He is correct on his side but what about Me? What about my heart and trust that is betrayed?

" Aashank I understand everything but I guess we should just stop this here only. Our relationship is next to impossible. We both don't match in status. Neither your brother or my family will be happy with it. So I think it's better if we stop it." I told him but only I know how much it hurt to say that.

I love him very much and forgetting him is impossible.

" doll face just relax, calm down ok I know it's a lot to take. But calm down. My bhai has no problem with you being middle class.

He only believes in a good heart, not class or money. Though he hasn't seen you, I told him about you and he is eager to meet you.

And about your family, bhai will manage them. I love you doll face and without you I can't be happy or in peace. Please don't do this. Nothing will change.

I promise everything will be the same as it was before. "He said with lots of hope and love in his eyes

How can I just ignore him?

" It's a lot to take in you know but I love you that's the biggest thing. If you can handle both of our families then I will accept you. It's hard for me to not too."I told him

" nothing will change and after this I won't hide things from you. So with this I have to tell you something about my brother. That you have to know. "He said and I nodded

If I knew that loving him would throw me in the devil's cage I would have never loved him.


Here I'm done with @lovelyashu wedding gift.

Now forget updates for two or three weeks.

And what do you think Aashank will tell Turvi about his brother?

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