36. Mrs. Stuti Suryash Mehra

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Hey readers many of you know @AphoticSaint who's account is gone many times now she is back ImberApricus

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Hey readers many of you know @AphoticSaint who's account is gone many times now she is back ImberApricus

Go and follow her

Stuti's pov

Ever felt like you will just faint any moment in anxiety and tension?

It's happening to me. Today is my wedding. The biggest day of my life is here

The day that I have waited from long is here now.

Yes I have waited for this day because now I have a big reason to get married.

And the reason is that I like my husband very much. Maybe I have fallen for him as well. I don't know about it yet. I'm confused with my own feelings. But I guess with time it will be clear.

He is a really sweet yet perverted kind of person.

His talks always leave me blushing as hell.

Unknown to me he has captured my heart very slowly.

Yesterday was my haldi ceremony and we enjoyed it a lot. Others were like they are playing holi with haldi only.

Everyone is happy but not Turu. Not because she isn't happy for me but because Masi is totally ignoring her.

From the day she has left our home masi is hell angry on her.

I and mausa ji both tried so many times to make her understand and forgive her but she isn't ready to listen to anything.

She is a tough nut to crack. I don't know why she isn't ready to forgive her and understand her perspective.

From our childhood masi always tried to stop Turu from exposing herself in front of others may it be dance or in clothes.

But nevertheless at the end she accepted everything but this time she isn't ready.

I don't know what will happen after I get married.

Turu will be alone here until she also gets married.

I sighed and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Stuti what are you doing? Why aren't you ready?" masi asked me

"Masi, it's only 2 pm. I have 2 hours in my hand to rest. After that I will get ready don't worry." I told her

"how can I not worry? Today is my daughter's wedding. Everything has to be perfect as my perfect daughter. Be a perfect daughter in law and wife beta. Never let your husband or in laws find any fault in you. And most importantly never say no to your husband. Let him have you, he has all rights on you. Be a submissive woman and your life will be smooth. Every man needs a submissive girl not a spit fire like your rebel sister. Only God knows how her husband will control her; he should put the leash on her before it's too late. I know you will do the correct thing only if you're not a disappointment like your sister. "masi said and honestly her words doesn't make any sense to me

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