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Author's pov

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Author's pov

"She is what?" Aaryav's voice boomed in the silent room breaking the silence

"She is a 3 months pregnant master." The lady doctor said

"But how is that possible? When I…." Aaryav stopped in middle as he remembered the unfateful night when he killed Aashank and raped Turvi

That night he didn't use any protection and he doesn't remember what he did with her in his anger.

And the child is his no doubt in that..

All 3 of them know very well how and when she conceived the baby.

"Am I pregnant? A baby is growing inside my tummy?" Turvi asked the doctor

She finally broke her silence 3 months ago.

"Yes mistress you have a 3 month old life inside you." The doctor said and a smile came on Turvi's face

She placed her hand on her stomach that had a very tiny bump almost invisible.

"Can I see it?" she asked the doctor

The doctor nodded but looked at Aaryav for his permission but he was busy staring at Turvi who was smiling like a fool.

And caressing her stomach.

The girl who didn't talk in 3 months no matter what happened is now smiling ear to ear

"Show her the baby." He said to the doctor and the doctor nodded her head

Soon enough all the machines were set in his room.

"Mistress, uncover your stomach. I need to do an ultrasound." The doctor said and Turvi removed her saree pallu from her front exposing her stomach

Aaryav kept looking at her without blinking his eyes. His face is blank no one can read what's hidden behind this blank look

" See mistress that tiny dot that's your baby." The lady doctor said and Turvi looked at the monitor

Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears but this time they are happy tears.

Aaryav also looked at the monitor but his face was blank like earlier.

"That's my baby?" Turvi asked the doctor

"Yes it is. Wait a second it seems you're carrying twins. See another dot there." The doctor said and Turvi covered her mouth in shock

"Twins?" She asked shocked

"Yes," the doctor replied

"Aren't you happy?" the doctor asked out of formality

She know very well that very few girls are there who love and accept a rape child.

"Happy is a small word. I can't describe what I'm feeling right now. I am going to be a mother. Two lives are growing inside me. They will call me Mumma what more I need?" Turvi said wiping her tears

"You need to take care of her master, she is very weak to carry twins. She needs a good amount of rest and food. And no more stress or wounds." The doctor said and Aaryav nodded mutely

The doctor left them alone and once she left Aaryav came towards Turvi but she got scared and covered her stomach like she was protecting her babies.

" Please don't kill my babies. I will not do anything to make you angry please. I am begging you please don't hurt them. Don't kill them I will die if anything happens to them please." Turvi said scared of him and started to cry

She has beared many things but she can't handle it. If she loses her babies then she will die because she can't take any other blows.

Aashsank's death has already shook her badly. It has numbed her completely but the news of her pregnancy has brought her back to her senses and her emotions are working perfectly.

"Shh! Butterfly calm down." Aaryav said and Turvi didn't utter a single word.

"Do you think I'm that heartless and cruel that I will kill my own babies?" Aaryav asked and she nodded in yes

Aaryav chuckled at her and placed his hand on her stomach making her flinch.

"They are mine just like you. I won't harm them with my own hands ever." He assured her

"But to lead a happy life with our kids you have to promise me something can you do that?" he asked her

Turvi nodded her head in yes.

"Never ever try to elope from me and start loving me and only me. Love me like I'm the only man in your life whom you can love." Aaryav said and Turvi looked at him

Can she love him? After what ever he has done with her? She won't try to escape ever because when ever she did that she found herself in deep shit

But about love she doesn't know but still she decided to promise him for her children sake.

She can't be selfish and get her babies killed.

"I promise I won't try to escape ever again and love you only." Turvi said and Aaryav smiled at her and pat her head like a child

After that day Aaryav gave his best in taking care of Turvi. Bearing her tantrums to her mood swings.

He is coping up with everything without getting angry at her or getting frustrated.

His present behaviour was nowhere near his past behaviour.

And slowly Turvi also started to love him but it wasn't love but Stockholm syndrome.

She could not help but feel attracted towards him. Her pregnancy hormones and her mental state none of it is helping her situation.

Aaryav can see the changes in her and is happy that she is becoming what he wanted her to be from start only

It's been two months since they got to know about her being pregnant with the twins.

Her bump is now a lot bigger than a 5 month bump should as she is pregnant with twins.

With her bump her body also has changed She isn't the same lean girl anymore.

"Aaryav I want ice cream." Turvi whined like a kid

"It's late at night you're not getting any. You will fall sick." Aaryav denied her request immediately

"But babies want it," She said, trying to make him agree if not like this then using her babies names.

"Ask them to sleep, they will get it tomorrow morning." Aaryav said dismissing her

Turvi pout but winced as she felt little pain in her lower abdomen

"What happened?" Aaryav asked her tensed

He doesn't want her to be in pain.

"Nothing, just a little pain in the lower part, it's normal,'' I asked the doctor.She said smiling and rubbed the place to ease her pain

Lately she is feeling this kind of cramps a lot but as the doctor said it's normal so she didn't bother much.

"You should sleep now." Aaryav said and help her to fall asleep by caressing her hairs and bump

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