65. His Side

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Aashsank's pov (surprise)

I stood there still as I saw Bhai Dragging her with him. Her eyes held fear for him for his torture. The girl I knew is nowhere to be found in her. She is not the bold and carefree Turvi I loved.

And who is the reason behind it? Me. It's me because of whom she is here.

Her eyes held hatred for me that I deserve for hurting her.

But it's important to execute my real plan. She has to bear this pain to get freedom from him permanently.

I went back to my room and slammed the door hard.

How could I not see what he was playing for? How? Was I that blind?

Maybe yes because he is my brother and I was supposed to believe him blindly.

I know I don't deserve an angel like her but I was selfish to drag her in my life and now she is suffering because of me.

I still remember the first day I saw her in college. She was making faces on some topic and I was watching her keenly.

Her laughter was music for me.

She thinks she saw me first but how wrong she was.

I saw her before but then I tried to maintain some distance from her but she is turvi and no one can ignore her presence. She had something in her that attracted people towards her.

She is something different.

I lied to her about everything because truth won't give me anything.

I am a killer who kills without any mercy who never blinks his eyes before killing someone.

But for her I turned into a love sick puppy. I loved her. I love her and I will still love her until I die as I promised.

She is the first one in my life and she will be the last.

When that day I got the news of her death I was in shock will be an understatement. I had become a stone. She was gone in front of my eyes.

I cried day and night for her and cursed myself.

Bhai came and consoled me but something was off that I could not catch.

Months passed but he stayed in his private island where he never stayed for long.

I decided to do some research and caught Zubair who know every fucking thing bhai do.

He was reluctant to tell me but when I emotionally blackmailed him he spilled the beans and I was shocked.

I couldn't grasp the fact that my own brother did this with me. He created a facade and we all believe him.

He married my love, my doll face and here I'm mourning over her death.

Rage filled me but I kept my calm because my brother is still the boss and if I just confront him then he can even kill me.

After whatever he did I don't believe him a bit.

He can do anything without any remorse.

I hatched a plan to get here and see what's going on.

If she would have been happy with bhai I would have backed down. I would have never come between them but the scene is different.

I did many things to gain his trust that I'm over her and I'm happy in my life.

He did believe me at a point.

He is treating her worse than an animal.

Why I don't know .. I had to hurt her to gain his blind trust in me.

I will do the same as he did to me.

I watched with my eyes the result of his torture.

She was in pain all because of me.

I talked with Trisha and the doctor who told me what she was facing from the time she came here.

I was in tears but the fire in me lit as well. I was more determined to save her from this hell and send her somewhere safe.

Today when she asked for help I was about to tell her about my plan but I saw bhai standing outside so I had to play with her once again. I would have never left her because she was raped by my own brother. My love for her isn't that weak. Whatever happened that has nothing to do with her.

I know he will again torture her but it will be last time he is doing so.

I waited until he left for his work again.

I know he won't stay here as he have an important deal to crack.

"Aashank," he called my name and I go outside

"Yes bhai," I said and looked at him

He has a little bit of blood on his body. And that's not his blood that's confirmed.

"I have locked your Bhabhi in the dark room make sure she won't come out until I come back and yes give her food only once a day no extra water no treatment for her as well. She wants to escape right now she will see what happens when she dares to think this." He said with a dark psychotic look on his face

" OK bhai, "I nodded hiding my anger very well

I can't show him my true Feelings yet. I have to wait for the correct time to strike.

" OK I'm leaving now I will be back tomorrow morning. "He said and I nodded

He left and I started working on my plan.

I know it will be difficult for her but I have to do it.

I gave Trisha some drugs and asked her to give it to everyone so they won't be able to catch her or inform bhai.

I will give you a freedom doll face for the sake of our love and friendship. I will free you from this hell hole.

Turvi's pov

Pain is a really small word to describe what I'm feeling right now.

He has crossed his every limit this time. He has whipped me, raped me, choked me.

Left his ugly marks on me to show me that I belong to him

He hasn't made me naked but my all clothing is teared because of the whip. He just teared my pants off and fucked me.

I won't forgive those brothers ever. I will pray for their pathetic death from God.

They are monsters, nothing else.

He has locked me this time for god knows how long.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and I curled myself in a ball I can't take his inhuman torture anymore.

"Doll face," I heard Aashank's voice and that made my blood boil in anger.

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