74. Changed Her 🔞

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Aaryav has come back immediately after he was informed that Turvi has asked him to come back as soon as possible.

He was shocked but happy as well when he heard it.

Turvi is waiting for him to return so she can tell him what she wants.

"Butterfly," Aaryav called Turvi when he saw her sitting near the window staring at the sea aimlessly

Turvi turned towards him and smiled a bit. And that was a real shock for him.

After her miscarriage she has only cried nothing else. She didn't even look at him for once and isolated herself from him so this is something really new for him and unexpected as well.

"So finally you got time to be back for your wife?" Turvi asked him her words laced with sarcasm just like earlier time

"It's not that butterfly. I just wanted to give you time to adjust with everything. I didn't want to overwhelm you more than you already were." Aaryav said and made Turvi stand up..

"Yeah sure you did. You didn't bother to check how I'm coping after losing my babies and you said you didn't want to overwhelm me." Turvi said and Aaryav find it a taunt

He isn't understanding what happened to her suddenly?

Why is she behaving like this?

He thought that maybe the fear in her has vanished and she needs to be reminded of her place and the rules once again.

But for now it's time to get some love from his wife. He misses her very much these days.

He captured her lips in a passionate kiss and surprisingly Turvi kissed him back with the same passion…

They both broke the kiss when they became breathless.

"I want you butterfly right now." Aaryav said roaming his hands on her butt

"Then take me I'm your wife after all." Turvi said and Aaryav scooped her in bridal style and walked towards the bed

He dropped her on the bed making her bounce a little.

"You can't take my vagina you have to do anal I'm still not cured yet." Turvi reminded him

"I know and I intend to fuck that tight ass hole of yours only." Aaryav said and removed his clothes hurriedly

He then removed Turvi's clothes and made her naked as well.

He eyed her big breasts' effects of her pregnancy. He wondered if she was still lactating or not? He loved how her nipples filled his mouth with her milk when he used to suck them.

He squeezed her right breast harshly earning a moan from her mixed with pain and pleasure.

He pinched her nipple trying to bring milk out like earlier times but it didn't happen.

"If you're trying to bring milk out then don't. I am not lactating anymore." Saying Turvi looked at his eyes

Her voice sounds heavier than normal.

Aaryav only nodded and took the aroused bud inside his mouth and gave it a gentle suck making her moan and grip on his hair tightly.

He sucked and played with her twins, loving the fullness of them. She had big breasts earlier and her pregnancy has made them bigger much to his happiness. He doesn't want to lose the fluffy twins.

"Ahh!" a scream slash moan came out of her mouth when Aaryav bite on her neck hardly

"Please be gentle." Turvi said

"Can't help butterfly gentleness isn't my cup of tea you see." He said and licked the area he bit

He peppered open mouth kisses on her cleavage and then stomach but for a moment he felt like something was missing…

Her baby bump was missing he used too leave kisses on her bump every night no matter if they had sex or not…

He shook off his thoughts and asked her to turn around on four.

She obliged him and he wore a condom out of habit before thrusting himself inside her but stopped hearing her voice…

"I don't have a Uterus anymore to carry a baby Aaryav and for now you're fucking me anal so condom not needed. We both were virgin before, not sexualy active so no chances of having any disease as well."

"Hmm," Aaryav only hummed and slammed himself inside her butt hole in one time making her scream in pain as he didn't use any lubrication and started to fuck her hard and rough

Turvi bite her lips to stop herself from screaming hard.

But she could not hold her tears anymore. The pain is too much no matter how many times you did it but without lubrication it hurts very much.

She knows he is punishing her for talking too much. He is reminding her how to behave and her place.

He was indeed punishing her through this. When he was done he left her there on the bed alone like some whore whom he just used for his release.

Turvi wiped her tears and touched her lips that has blood because she has bit them hard enough to bring blood out

She smiled ironically at her blood.

She got up from the bed and winced in pain.

Once Aaryav came out of the washroom she entered and cleaned herself taking a long shower.

She came out dressed Plain Dark green quarter sleeves frock suit

"I guess you have an idea what happened back right?" Aaryav asked her and she nodded

"You punished me for crossing my limits for talking like that. You reminded me of my place that I hold." Turvi said smiling

The fact she is still smiling isn't settling well with him.

"Have you lost your brain or what?" Aaryav asked and Turvi laughed hard

"I have lost everything . I won't be shocked to know if I lose my brain as well." Turvi said with seriousness

"Anyways I have something to talk about and it's important." Turvi said

"I'm all ears to listen." Aaryav replied

"After everything happened I have decided something about us and our future. One thing is to confirm that I can't leave you or escape from you. You're my destination no matter which path I chose. I have lost everything in my life. I have nothing left to call as mine." Turvi paused looking at Aaryav then continues

" Other than you I have no one so I have decided to make you my everything. I will love you as well. I will become what you want and stay like that only. In return I just want respect, care and a little love. Can you give me that? I want to live my life in a peaceful way not like this. After my miscarriage I was totally broken but my doctor gave me a book and believe me that changed my thinking process. I was running behind what I don't have ignoring what I have. I should be happy with what I have rather than crying over what I could have. So tell me are you ready to work with me in our relationship and make it perfect? Will you be able to give me what I want? Will you make my rest of days happy and peaceful? "Turvi asked Aaryav

" I will do it. I'm ready to work in our relationship. Don't worry everything will be fine. I will give you so much love that you won't be missing anyone anymore. I'm glad that you realised everything so soon. "Aaryav said being happy that finally what he wanted is happening. It may cost him a lot but at the end of the day but it is worth it.

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