68. Confessions

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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Aaryav is sitting on the couch and looking intensely at his wife or I say slave who is getting treatment from the lady doctor who has tears in her eyes but she can't show it to the devil who is sitting in front of her.

She knows what a monster he is with her but what today he did is beyond her imagination.

How can someone stoop so low to kill their own brother and rape his wife in front of him?

She thought and prayed that may Aaryav kill Turvi in his anger very soon because escaping alive from here is impossible so Death is the only chance of her getting peace. And the sooner it comes to her the sooner she will be free.

"How is she?" Aaryav asked in a cold tone that is more cold then his normal voice

She scoffed mentally and cursed him a thousand times in her mind.

After doing this inhuman torture on her he has the audacity to ask that how is she.

"Alive," is the word she wanted to use answering but she knows that will earn her a bullet on her forehead and like everyone she loves her life as well.

"She is not such a good condition master. Her vaginal walls are damaged. Her forehead got stitches and most importantly her legs are highly injured. She needs at least 2 months to walk again. In short if we need her alive then she needs complete rest and good food along with medicines. If this continues then I'm afraid that she will not survive for long. "The lady doctor said in a monotone voice

" Hmm, good the long her legs stay useless the fear of consciousness will be stronger in her mind. Good. Now you can go. "Aaryav said and the doctor left

He got up and sat beside Turvi who was unconscious…

He traced her forehead where the stitches are over the bandage.

" Why did you try to escape from me butterfly? See what I had done to you. How many times have I told you to not disobey me and make me angry but it's like you have vowed that you won't listen to me ever. Every time I try to be good with you but in return you give me what I despise. But no matter what happens I won't kill you nor let you die. Because you're mine. I can do anything I want to do with you and no one can stop me from doing that.

And I won't ever share you. And I mean it. I just wanted to scare you off. I will kill anyone who will eye you.

I didn't even let my brother see you. I covered your body with mine. He only saw your face.

Ahh! My brother and I have to pay him for my last visit. I will come back after meeting him soon. "He said to her and kissed her bruised fingers

He got up and left her in their room.

He goes outside where Aashank's body is kept.

He sat down on the floor looking at his dead body.

He has ordered others to leave them alone.

" Hello brother, "he said looking at Aashank's body

" This is the same hand that has raised you when you were a 5 years old kid and it's the same hand that ended your life today. I am sorry for killing you but I'm not sorry for taking my butterfly away from you.

She was mine from the day she kissed me. I once thought to share her among us but then my possessive side kicked in and I could not.

She is my greatest possession, my obsession, whom I can't lose at any cost. If she would have stayed away from me not tempt my devil then I may have left her but nope she didn't do it but keep challenging me. Defying me. And it's the consequences she is facing now.

And before dying you said that I won't be able to win her heart ever right? You will be the ruler of her heart? Well that's going to change as well.

I will own her by every single way including her heart.

Till date I thought that I'm only torturing her because I want to break her but the real reason was I was jealous and afraid.

That she loves you and will never stop loving you. She should love her husband. I'm her husband but no she doesn't.

I just wanted her to obey me and love me because I love her as well in my own twisted way.

And when I realised it? When you set her free from my cage. I feared what if I couldn't find her? Or something would happen to her in that forest?

That fear made me realise that I love her. I was running away from my own feelings.

So thank you for making me realise my feelings. You both were not made for each other even if you were by God my devil changed it and gave her to me. She is mine till we are alive and by any chance if I die then I will kill her with me as well.

Betrayal runs in our blood and all for a woman. That time it was my mother now it's my butterfly we brothers always like the same girl I don't know why.

History seriously repeats itself. I didn't plan to kill you but you didn't leave any option for me. I will miss you. You were a great brother until you betrayed me. " Aaryav said and hold Aashank's lifeless hand in his own

He got up from the floor and asked his men to get his pyre ready.

He didn't wait for Turvi to wake up so she could take part in it.

He knows she is traumatized enough and now will be in her limits.

He himself gave fire to his body as his elder brother.

He saw him turn into ashes thinking that he eliminated his biggest enemy but he doesn't know what future holds for him no one gets happiness after destroying someone.

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