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"You freak!! Don't you dare go near my family!!!"

I glared hatefully at the father of their so-called family. Family? Hahaha!! That's one heck of a word! How dare he say that after he and his family killed my own....!!

"I'm just being kind. I want you and your family to meet my own."

He's trembling in fear. Hahaha!! Such an embarrassment! Just look at that man. Standing right in front of his family with a knife. That's no use. I better end his life before someone sees me. This is a piece of cake anyway.

Smirking, I suddenly dashed towards him, and with one swing of my own weapon, his knife went flying away, surprising him.

"Go!! Hurry!" He yelled and pushed his wife and his children out of the house using the back door.

"Oh no, you don't." I said, stabbing the man on the stomach several times and following his family. He wasn't looking, that's why. Before I could even take a step forward, a hand held my right ankle.

"I w-won't l-let you...... Follow th-them.... Don't be a c-coward and face me i-instead...... I'm your op..opponent—"

"Oh shut up." I said, cutting him off. I stepped hard on his hand using my left foot, causing it to let go of my ankle and making him yelp in pain. I was about to take a step forward again when.....

"You coward!!" He's holding my ankle again. Damn. He's pissing me off.

"I'll still give you a favor and give your family over there a chance to meet mine. Be thankful." One more and I'll really end his life.


"That would be a pleasure. I'd be happy to let you meet my family first." That's it. You're dead. Meet my family.


Blood splattered around the place, and some on my black coat. His red blood started to spread on their wooden floor, and out on the green grasses in their backyard. Blood is everywhere. There on their back door, on some furnitures beside it, and on the stairs leading out.

"That shut him up."

His wife's head snapped in my direction and released a blood-curdling scream right after.

"DAD!! NO!" Their son yelled as their daughter cried, her brother covering her eyes.

They are in the middle of climbing the high fences around their backyard in order to escape, but I guess, they're just too damn slow. Slowpokes.

I removed my bloody knife from the man's head, and more blood squirted out. The mother started to puke. How pathetic.

Anyway, I started to walk towards them, and the children just shook in fear, making me grin widely. Seeing this, the mother gasped.

"No.... No..!! Hurry...!!" She panicked and carried her little daughter up the fence, doing the same thing to her son.

"MOM..... NO!!" The boy shares the same age as me, but he's just too immature.

"Don't worry because you'll see your Mom again...... In Hell!!"

Blood splattered on my face as I deepened my knife in his mother's chest, twisting it as well. The children were up the fence, and since the boy saw this, he struggled to get down, and go to her poor lifeless mother, but his sister pushed him, causing both of them to fall down. They are now in the other side of the fence.

"I won't let you two escape." I muttered, removing the bloody knife and climbing up the fence.

"No..! Brother!! Let's get out of here! Don't waste our parents' efforts..!! They wanted to save us..!" I heard the girl's hushed voice as I reached the top of the fence.

"Too late." They both gasped and saw me grinning widely, crouching on the top of the fence. Then, they started to run, but unluckily, the little girl tripped herself, and cried. How stupid.

"I'm coming~!!" I sang and jumped down, landing gracefully on the ground. The boy is currently helping his sister stand up, and as for me, I'm now walking towards them.

"Don't worry. I'll lead you to your parents."

"Get away from us! You monster!!" The little girl yelled, making me laugh crazily.

"Leave my sister out of this!"

I raised my head, and stared at the boy.

"I wouldn't want to do that. It would be sad if she'd live alone in this cruel world." I said, stepping forward, causing them to step back.

"Run...." The boy whispered to his sister as he pushed her away.

"No...! Brother, I won't leave you...." She muttered, and hugged him tightly, tears pouring down her face.

I suddenly felt my face wet. W-What's this..?

"You two.... S-Stop.." I stuttered as I held my head in pain. Just... What's happening to me?

'Brother! No!! Please...!! Don't leave me!!! Brother..... B-Brother... No.... Behind you!!! Brother...... BROTHER!!'

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