Prologue | The Funeral

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Author's Note:

Okay. My second story. It's another Snape Fanfic. If you hadn't read my first one, it is currently continuing, but I thought it'd be nice to write another one. So I hope you enjoy this story. It won't be like my first priority because I am still working on the Tarnished book, but all in fun.

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A tragedy.

An utter tragedy.

Yet I didn't cry. As I watched the four wizards dressed in black with their wands raised high slowly levitating my brother's casket, I stood there silently, my arms crossed underneath my breasts. Everyone wore black. My mother was crying, hiding under her oversized sun hat veiled in black. I gazed to my older brother, Liam who stood next to me. His face was tense and his eyes seemed that it would burn a hole through the slick redwood coffin.

I gazed around, watching the crying crowd of black veils and robes and sighed to myself. I slowly backed away and went through the crowd and left the burial toward some vacant trees a few yards down.

I leaned against the tree trunk, hiding myself from the crowd and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my bra. I wrapped the filter around my lips and pulled out some matches from the half empty pack. I struck the match and lit my cigarette, inhaling deeply.

My dead brother is actually my twin brother. Caleb was his name. He was born first, then a few minutes I was. Mom always wanted a girl and she was blessed with me and my father wanted another boy and Caleb were perfect. We shared similarities,  dirty blonde hair, baby blue eyes, same smile.

When we were kids, I competed with Caleb often, always had to steal from each other's rooms, or pull pranks. Liam always had to split us apart. But, one day, he looked sick, it was in we were twelve. He didn't seem like a happy child like he was when we were little. And then, one day at Salem's Wizard Institute, he sat by the edge of the rooftop of the main building... And jumped. I didn't know why. No one knew.

Soon after my father left. We didn't know where he went, but his clothes and luggage was gone. No note. But, we all knew why. His golden boy was gone.

Liam didn't miss him though. Maybe because my dad didn't look at him like how he did Caleb. Liam was jealous.

Mom started to drink. I mean, I would too if I lost my son and husband in a week. Sometimes I'd find her in the kitchen, lying on the cold tile floor with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

I bet you're thinking of how I started smoking. It wasn't because of all this madness, I have since I was fourteen. Dad smoked allot, so one day I snuck his pack from his bedside end table and took it to Salem's Witch Institute to show some friends. I ended up getting into the habit of smoking, snagging a pack from my father's carton or paying some homeless man to buy me a carton for myself from a liquor store.

Pretty pricey stuff.

"Hey," I looked up to see my brother, Liam closing in on me and sat by the same tree. I avoided his eyes, turning my head as I breathed out the smoke.

"When are you going to quit?" He asked.

"When Mom stops drinking." I scoffed.

"I guess that's going to take a while."

I flicked the filter and gave Liam a hard stare. He gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "We should go back."

"I don't want to," I whispered, looking down. Liam sighed and put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me towards his chest. I laid my head on it gently.

"Ready for Scotland?" he asked quietly.

"Hell no!" I cursed and he chuckled silently.

"It'll get better soon, Olly, I promise." He whispered, "And I swear to the heavens, I'll never leave you."

"Oh great," I said sarcastically and we both stifled a laugh.

"I couldn't be there for Caleb, but I'll be here for you."

I couldn't answer. I sniffed, holding in any tears. I held my breath and pushed off my brother. Standing up quickly, I said, "Let's take Mom to the car. We... Have to start packing."

* * * * *

Author's Note:

So, it was short.

But, you know its just a prologue I don't like to particularly rush into things. But I hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading.

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