Dirty Little Secret

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep...

My eyelids fluttered open at the faint buzzing of the alarm. I hit my hand hard on the top of the clock, setting it to snooze before slowly shutting my eyes again. A hard impact on my stomach knocked the wind out of me.

I shot up, "Ow!" I yelped.

My smug older sister, Victoria sat on my stomach, a wicked grin on her face. "Wake up!" She screamed, twirling a piece of copper colored hair in her manicured hand.

I squinted my eyes so I could see her. I kicked her off me, sending her on a collision course with the floor. "Ha!" I taunted, snickering at her from the safety of my bed.

She leapt up from the floor, scowling through her red face, "Oh, shut up!" She snapped, rolling her eyes, standing condescendingly.

I jumped out of bed, grabbing my uniform from my dresser and changing once my sister looked away. Once I finished buttoning my shirt, she looked back, the same angered look on her face, "Nice one, Ronnie. Real nice."

I smirked, "I try." I giggled, throwing on a pair of penny loafers that my uniform dictated me to wear. I grabbed my glasses from the end table by my bed and put them on before rushing to the bathroom, my sister in tow. I quickly ran a brush through my tangled mess of reddish hair, then grabbed my book bag from the floor where it sat by my bed. My sister looked at me, giving me a Cheshire Cat grin, "You finally ready yet?"

I nodded, giving her the same smirk back. Victoria and I both ran downstairs before saying goodbye to our mother and running outside. My sister twirled a piece of her hair between her fingers habitually, "So, Ron," She went on, taking a large bit out of her apple, "Isn't today the day your precious boyfriend, Paxton Adamson leaves to go to that one boarding school?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, looking angrily at my sister for reminding me. I flushed a bright red and held my head downwards, "Shut up. And besides, he's not my boyfriend."

She scoffed, "Sorry, I forgot. He'd just the one boy you've been obsessed with for over half your life, right?"

I looked up, grimacing angrily at her, whilst gritting my teeth. Paxton Adamson was the absolute love of my life. I had been infatuated with him for 9 of my 17 years, ever since I had first moved to Florida from Pennsylvania when I was 7. He had absolute no idea who I was, and he never would, now that he was moving to Chicago, Illinois to attend some all boys' boarding school.

The first time I saw him, I knew that I'd fallen in love. He was about 6 foot 1, with pale green eyes and a shaggy head of chocolate brown hair. He always had a wide smile on his face wherever he went that just made my heart melt. He was always single, despite how many girls wanted to go out with him. A bunch of people thought he was gay...that was until, the bathroom fiasco. He'd been caught making out with the head cheerleader, Tiana Pheleps in the girls bathroom last year. It took me until a month ago or so just to get over it. I always secretly wished that I'd be his first girlfriend. Not that he'd ever notice me, though, I was invisible. I was in every one of his classes, but he'd never noticed me. Nobody ever did.

I lifted my head up high confidently, "I'm not obsessed with him, Vic." I snapped, pushing my glasses further up my nose so they wouldn't slide down off my face like they did so often.

Victoria giggled, tossing a lock of her straight hair behind her shoulder, "Yeah, sure. Then why do you have a picture of him taped to your computer monitor?"

I blushed. I opened my mouth to speak, but only air came out.

She smirked at me for what felt like the thousandth time that day, "Creeper..." She laughed, throwing her apple over her shoulder.

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