The quarantine has been/is causing increases in domestic violence such as:
1. The abuser and victim are stuck home together 24/7 so the abuser is trying to control their victim 24/7.
2. The victim has become financially dependent on their abuser's income.
3. The abuser has become financially dependent on their victim, so they increase their abuse to continue their domination.*Here's the issue with financial help in relationships in general, regardless if the relationship is healthy or unhealthy. Financial abuse also starts off with the abuser asking the victim (that they are abuse-grooming) "Do you need any help with your bills? Do you need any money for groceries?" or "I want to take care of you because you're my woman" so their abuse-groomed victim allow themself to become financially dependent on their grooming-abuser in the future. Can you still financially support yourself if the relationship ends? Live within your means to have financial freedom, especially in case the offered help isn't actually help, but attempts to encourage you to exceed your budget, for your grooming-abuser's benefit.*
The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV): "Financial abuse is a common tactic used by abusers to gain power and control in a relationship. The forms of financial abuse may be subtle or overt but in in general, include tactics to conceal information, limit the victim's access to assets, or reduce accessibility to the family finances. Financial abuse – along with emotional, physical, and sexual abuse – includes behaviors to intentionally manipulate, intimidate, and threaten the victim in order to entrap that person in the relationship. In some cases, financial abuse is present throughout the relationship and in other cases financial abuse becomes present when the survivor is attempting to leave or has left the relationship."
Maturing in Love by Rhizome Olivia Quondam
ChickLitMaturing in Love is an anthology guide of adulthood with poems, stories, essays, and blog posts about mature themes, learning self-love, adult-relationships, social issues, and life lessons from growing older. *The blog posts are topic introductions...