Chapter LII - Part 2

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And we're down to our last chapter! Thank you so much for your support, readers! My sleepless nights were all worthwhile because of y'all. I hope and pray for everybody's safety!

Salamuch mga palangga (love)! ❤️

Their eyes meet then turned glassy. It used to be just a fantasy, a dream he thought would never happen. They begun as stranger to each other back in that elevator, unwitting of what lies ahead of them. That span of time they had at the past was filled with memories ... love-hate moments. They went through ups and downs in life until two hearts beat as one. But fate is cruel. Their path veered and led them to separate in miles with each other. It was a tough journey for being apart from each other's comfort. Hatred grew into their fragmented hearts. Blinded by the truth of their past along with questions battling in minds. Thousands of words left unspoken for so long that only time, whatever is left, can tell. Then destiny plays its role. It reconnects their road that once lost its direction. They found each other's path again and led them back to where it should be heading to.

Love always finds a way.

Lea held his hand with joyful tears racing down her cheeks. Words fall into right places in her mind as she stares at the man who owns her heart. She wants the wedding vows to be spoken than written.

"Babe, the first time I saw you my heart was tickled by your dimples", she winked, smiling.

Aga laughs, slowly shaking his head.

"I had no clue of who this man standing next to me in the elevator. Your stares sent chill to my body so yes .... I saw you looking at me intently that day or should I say ... everyday", a wave of laughter filled the church, Lea laughed along.

Aga pursed his lips in embarrassment. All this time he thought Lea didn't notice him watching her every move. He was caught off guard but it heated his cheeks. His wife indeed has a keen eyesight.

"When our eyes meet we were incognizant of that feeling rushing through our veins. I once told you that love is just hormones. It exists only through our mind but truth be told, I was just afraid of its notion since dad and mom broke up. I've been into relationships, met a lot of people from different walks of life, I experienced a lot in this world but nothing and no one shows me what it really meant until you came. You change the way I perceived love. I remember that day you told me that only when I fall in love I'd realize love is not just hormones. It has no boundaries. It's you, Aga. It's you who taught me its meaning. And, now we're here. Living in the meaning of love. Babe, I love you so much. The four of us ...", she takes his hand to her tummy, "... love you so much"

Aga gaped, frozen from it. His eyes search for a hint of flippant on her face but only genuine smile is present. He puts down the mic, "are you serious? You're ... babe, you're pregnant? I'm gonna be a daddy again?"

Lea nods and giggled to her husband's reaction, "two months, babes". She squeezed his hand.

He chuckled in happiness and positions the mic to express his oozing emotion, facing them, "I'm gonna be a daddy again!". The guests clap their hands. Wide smiles are everywhere in the church, happy from what they just heard specially their parents.

His eyes glimmered in tears at her, "Babes, I don't ... know what to say. I'm just so happy. I'm in cloud nine. I can't believe these are all happening right before my eyes. You've been such an incredible person in my life, babes. We were both clueless of the future when our eyes meet for the first time. This feeling ... this heartbeat I didn't understand everytime I see you or hear about you, grew into something peculiar in me. It's odd in a sense that I long to see you everyday. I want to hear your voice every minute until realization came into me. I'm already falling deeper into you. I'm addicted to you, babes. These past few years had been a tough battle for me, babes. Life was hard without you in it. I ... wanted to end it. End the pain ... heartaches. That day I woke up in the hospital I wonder what this second life for. Though I found a new love ... new home for my heart but deep in me something is missing. I kept searching for that missing piece. I kept looking for the reason behind this second chance. Then I found myself pacing the path back to where my heart took me before. There I found you again, babes. Everything makes sense. You're the reason, Lea. I'm finally back home. I can't say I fall all over again to you, babes", he smiled at her.

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