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The child's father nodded, "Yes. Namely, the warring states period. Because of the war, people who are not a part of it have been struggling to live since then."

"But why, father? Why do we struggle?" The little girl's curiosity reached its limit as she sat kneeling in front of him.

"Because, my child, the countries of the world were uniformly small, they are constantly in battle. Having to fight for land, power, food or opportunities, it's chaotic. In order to win, they must hire one or more clans of mercenary shinobi to represent their interest."

He sighed as he continued, "And because of all the fighting, we the farmers, the traders, the fishermen, the people who work for resources have been suffering to live. Why, you might ask? It is because we, the hard-working people, have to give our own goods to the superior ones, leaving us nearly with nothing except money we can't even use."

This enrages the little girl, "That's unfair! We do the hard work and yet they repay us with almost nothing!? That's cruel of them!"

The father shook his head, "No, my child. Do not say such a thing, it's probably for the best... We are not the only ones who suffered too, they also feel suffering as us, yet it's completely different."

Her brow rose, "Different? How come, father?"

"They suffer from the loss of their loved ones, war is cruel, men die and women weep, children are left either fatherless or motherless." He replied.

The little girl looked down in sadness, "Oh..." Then, she became furious once again, "But we lose people too! From hunger, from poverty, and whatnot! Almost everyone here is homeless, we work so hard to give them our food and our goods that we don't even have a single crop anymore." She pouted, "How can we live, father, when we're getting poorer?"

The father smiled at his little girl sadly, then he brought her closer to embrace her. The child placed her head in his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his shallow breath.

"My child, have no fear. Even at these times we are in danger, even at these times we are weak, do not give up. I'm sure there is a way to live through this." He patted her head.

She frowned, "But father... you are dying."

"And you're not." He grinned at her, "Don't give up hope, Ara, do not give in to fear. Instead, fight it, you are strong. I raised you to become a better, understanding, smart, and happy girl. So why frown?"

The girl shook her head as she hugged him tighter, "I am not frowning father."

He chuckled, "I see..." The father moved his arm to grab something from behind. "Ara, are you listening?"

She looked up and nodded, then her eyes travelled to the item from his hand. "The flute?"

He nodded, "You are very good at playing flute, right?" He caressed the body, "I'm sure I have told you many times before, but this flute represents joy. Before, when I was at the same age of yours, I played this flute for everyone to hear, mostly the sad people. I played this because I want the people who suffered, the people who are sad, the people whose lives have grown miserable, to hear the music of this wood and its deeper meaning. It brings peace to their hearts, calm their senses, and it surely is addicting to hear. Just hearing it can understand its underlying message, no need of words nor explanation, just the flow of the music."

The girl nodded, smiling at her father. "I played your flute yesterday! There were many people listening. They were filled with smiles, laughter when I made a mistake, they even danced and jumped around. It was really a beautiful sight to see! It catches everyone's attention immediately!"

He nodded, delighted. "Right? It's truly amazing, isn't it? Not only did it bring others to joy, but it also lifted up your spirits as well. Whether the tune is sad, long, or a happy one, it always managed to calm you, both the player or the listener." Then, he handed the flute to his child, "So, Ara... I'm giving this to you."

Her eyes widened, "Why? Aren't you going to use it?"

He shook his head, "I am unable to do so, my child. However, my will can still be passed on. You will continue my legacy, my job, my duty to make people happy."

The girl frowned once again. "B-But, father... You're not leaving so soon, are you?"

"As long as you play the music, following your heart, emotions or feelings, I'm always with you every flow of the flute. That flute is special. I have used it ever since I was young, now I'm going to pass it down to you."

Tears were making their way to little Ara's eyes. She tried closing her eyes to stop the tears but it fell down to her cheeks. Her father wiped it away, giving her a sad smile. "Do not frown, my child. I'm always here for you, I shall remind you again and again... that flute you bring, is me. So never frown, understand? I'm always at your side, if you feel alone, remember that if you hold the flute with your fingers. Remind yourself that it is my own hand holding on yours."

She nodded, wiping her own tears. "Yes, father."

It's because of this stupid war, it's because of the selfish clans and leaders that father have to die. He's so frail, thin and weak that he can't even stand up anymore, I blame them... The girl thought.

She clenched her hands, 'I'll never forgive them all, never!'



A note from the author.

This is my second book, this time it's a Madara love story! The first book I've written is titled "The Healing Kunoichi (Tobirama x OC) which is Tobirama Senju's kind of romance. Don't worry, it's a standalone book, so you don't have to read that book in order to read this.

I know that this kind of story had stopped a long time ago, I might be the only person who writes stuff like this. But anyway, I had been reading books like this as well and to be honest I like other people's work. It's fantastic. ~ A repeat of note.

There are only very few kinds of books like this, like Madara x OC, so yeah.

But you know what, I guess this is for my own fantasy, I don't care if no one reads this. As you can see, Madara Uchiha is one of my favorite characters in the anime in Naruto Shippuden.

If you guys want me to do others like Hashirama, Tobirama or others, I guess I can write it if you guys want me to. I mean to be honest, I would like some of your suggestions and support too.

BTW! I do not own Naruto characters.

Thank you for reading anyways. And also, please don't copy this book. I know some of you think that I've been copying others, but it's not. So please don't judge. :) Love u all.

Edited: December 24, 2020

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