Chapter 21

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Ara's POV

I waited anxiously for Madara, he told me that he's going to get something from the compound. It made me curious but at the same time afraid because I don't know what he's doing. Is he going to get a weapon to kill me? No wait, is he going to kill me right here?

My thoughts aren't helping me to calm down as I paced back and forth. I bit my lip anxiously, afraid of his return.

Suddenly, he came out of nowhere which made me jump in fright. I fixed myself and cleared my throat, I can't seem to stare at his eyes. I noticed that he is hiding something from his back, his right hand is hidden clearly away from my view. That made me even more anxious.

"Madara?" I said, weakly. I hated how my voice went low and weak, showing how pathetic I sound when I'm afraid. I guess my choice was wrong then, I shouldn't have come here.

He took a step forward, I took a step back. He continued to stare at me, while my own eyes travelled everywhere as I tried my best to avoid looking straight in his eyes. I only observed his movement, but I can't help looking at his face.

And boy, he looks ridiculously frightening with that expression!

His face didn't show any emotion, it's all blank like a void. His eyes are cold, the wind carried his bangs which covered most of his face. Too unreadable and too unpredictable. He is getting nearer and nearer, I suddenly realize that I don't have anywhere to walk because my back hits the tree behind me.

I gulped, preparing myself to face the doom. I shut my eyes tightly as I awaited for the pain... It was silent. I don't know how many minutes have passed but everything was just silent. I decided to open my eyes slowly, to see what in the hell happened...

The first thing I saw was something I never thought I would see. My eyes widened in surprise, I gasped and covered my mouth. I couldn't believe it. I can never believe this!

In front of me is... Madara Uchiha... lowering his body like he was bowing at me deeply, on his right hand is a beautiful rose which he raised it up for me to take. My heart thundered, I could feel myself heat up. The sight is something to behold! What I know is that this is a rare sight to ever see.

"I am sorry." He said.

My breath hitched, my hand curled into a ball. What the...

Madara continued, "I'm sorry. You had seen me in my worst state possible, it is something that I do not wish for you to see. I made you fear me, and for that I truly apologize for my unexpected actions. It is because you are special to me, I created a bond with you that I considered you as someone who has a special place in my heart. Although, it is utterly strange for me to say, I do believe that this friendship helps me bring happiness at the worst times."

Then, he straightened up and handed me the flower. "Take this rose as my apology. I do not want our friendship to end because of the horrifying things you've seen me do. Ara, you are my friend. You bore that title ever since we've met." Suddenly, he clasped my hand and held it firmly. I can feel how warm his hands are against my own. "So, please... do not be afraid of me anymore. I know it is the reason why you haven't visited these past few weeks... I feel saddened at the thought."

I was speechless. I don't know what to say... His eyes are pleading but at the same time determined. Madara Uchiha keeps surprising me more, one thing I know for sure is that he has the biggest pride and ego. His arrogance and intelligence made him into a person like this. However, I do not think everyone has seen this side of Madara.

Finally, I spoke. "W-Why? Why are you apologizing?" I chuckled, nervously, as if I don't know how to start a conversation. "Truly, I don't really mean to you that much–"

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