Chapter 24

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*Who watches Sub anime? Then you better watch that video. It's hilarious! This pops out of my recommendation in Youtube! It's really funny.

Ara's POV

"I don't like it." I frowned at him with my arms crossed, showing him my distaste and displeasure from the previous events that happened. "I don't like what you did to me. It's cruel."

Madara sighed glumly, "I know. I sincerely apologize..." His posture and expression is enough to say that he looks quite guilty as he sat there on the log, sulking.

Here we are, at his training grounds. I was brought here, crying and whimpering because of whatever technique he just pulled back then. Madara, not knowing what to do, had awkwardly attempted to soothe and calm the tension, trying his best to make me feel better. It obviously failed.

Now, I stood there in front of his sitting frame. My eyes are red from crying so much, I have a runny nose which I kept sniffling, and tired limbs because of what I have to do while I was trapped in that... nightmare. My body felt tired and pained. It was something that I never want to experience once more.

"Naturally, I would leave this place immediately and never go back again." I said, Madara frowned at my words. "But even though I am a coward, I am also a very curious person. What you just did to me, scared me. So I want to know what you did."

He gulped, looking at me with pleading eyes, an expression of helplessness. "You won't leave me, right?"

"I will." I threatened, glaring at him. "Because you put me in hell and you deserve it. I had confessed but at what cost, Madara?"

He continued to sulk. "I will tell you, please just sit here." He patted at the log beside him.

I continued glaring at him like daggers before complying. As I sat, I tried my best to be as comfortable and safe as possible. "So, will you tell me now?"

He scratched the back of his head, hesitating. "Well, for starters, I am sure you know about the sharingan. I have told you about it before, but I never actually told you of its... abilities."

My brow perked up, "Abilities?"

He nodded, "Yes..." He clears his throat as he begins to explain. "The sharingan grants the wielder two abilities: the Eye of Insights and the Eye of Hypnotism. What happened to you back then was a genjutsu, which you already know the meaning of. It means I had used the Eye of Hypnotism on you, in other words, the genjutsu sharingan. I was able to control the illusion to make it more... realistic."

My lips pursed at the thought, "Genjutsu, huh. But how did it happen?" When did all that start?

"You looked at me in the eye, or we had eye contact."

"Eye contact? But I didn't even look at you before those events happened!"

He smiled, "You did. You just have not noticed it."


Suddenly, I remembered the red light that glowed in the distance on the forest while I was making my way to scare him. I thought it was my imagination, but it was then I realized it is actually his red eyes that glowed in the dark. Pieces by pieces, everything made sense just slowly. He knew that I was there all along... He knew I was coming.

The thought made me angry. I scoffed, looking away from him. "Is that so?" I took my luggage and fumbled around my bag, searching for something in my bag. When I pulled it out, I pushed it to Madara's chest. He grunted at the sudden action, instantly holding the item that I pushed into his body. "There, that is your required material that you had ordered. I am leaving now. Goodbye."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now