Chapter 1

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Ara's POV

"Good morning, everyone!"

The farmers straightened up, waving at me. "Good morning, Ara!" Despite their tired eyes, they are still filled with happiness.

"Do your best!" I waved at them.

"And you do, too!"

I continue to walk down the streets with a big smile plastered on my face, twirling my flute as I do a little dance, hopping and humming like I don't give a damn about the world that's in chaos.

"Still a cheery girl, Ara?" A woman said beside me, I looked at her and gave her the best of my smiles. "You're thirteen, yet you act like a five years old brat."

"Don't remind me, Kari-san. I'm still a child nonetheless." I giggled.

"A teen," she corrected, then she sighed. "It's not like I can change you from your childish ways."

I chuckled, "Would you prefer me to be that gloomy brat who is always sulking, Kari-san?"

She laughed, rolling her eyes. "Goodness, no! I would love a happy girl roaming around and making people smile, pretending that there's nothing wrong with the world. All free, careless, and dumb."

"You see, Kari-san, I'm not pretending. I'm reassuring people that despite the negativity, we should always look forward to the positivity to happen!"

Her eyes softened as she nodded and smiled warmly, "Your father taught you well, Ara."

I winked at her, "He wants me to be happy, he has passed down his will. Now's not the time to be gloomy. After all..." I glanced at father's– no, my flute. "He entrusted me with this. He made people happy with this before, and now it's my turn to do the same. I can't let anyone be sad despite the situation we are in. I want everyone to continue living and staying happy. Losing hope is the last thing I want to happen for everybody."

Then, I looked away and faced the people on the streets. I inhaled heavily, letting in all the oxygen run to my body. As always, I called their attention with my loud voice. "Everyone, hear me! Hear me!"

Everyone stopped doing what they're doing. When they noticed me, they were now smiling and standing up to walk closer to me. They know what I'm going to do. I've done it every day and they're always looking forward to my performance...

"I shall now play a song for the day, inspired by a dream I dreamt last night. A dream that I remembered all too clearly, and a dream that I wished to share with you all. So hear me, as you all stand before me, with smiles on your faces. They are enough to please and brightens my day, and thus we shall continue to do our best for the rest of the morning and night." I fixed the flute near up my face, readying myself.

Some children are sitting down on the ground, the adults are either listening far away or joining with the kids on the floor. I can hear their mutters and chuckles, a sign that they are eager to hear my song.

Then, I started. I blew the hole with grace, easing my position, calming my senses and with full concentration or focus. As I blew, the music flowed softly, the tune and rhythm were stable, making it sound calm and slow. People gently sway even though the music just started. I can't help but smile, and continue to play the flute.

The atmosphere warms, I can feel their moods change as their grin turns into a booming laughter when I accidentally pressed the wrong hole. I winced and felt embarrassed when I created a small mistake.

I scratched my head and chuckled, smiling awkwardly before doing it again. I am still not good at playing the flute despite using it for years. I practiced every time when I had that much to spare, since I no longer have a guide to teach me, which is my own father. I taught myself and learned its uses.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now