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A thread;

Two children from afar, born and lived differently.

One is born in war, fighting, and one is born in poverty, hungry.

At such an age, their youth has been tainted.

From the cruelty, from the reality, and from the experience.

Despite it all, love came tumbling down to their young hearts.

But there has always been uncertainty and hesitancy.

It overpowers and clouds their minds and they begin to fear.

Could they be able to shield the love from the harshness?

In the end, one waited and the other left.

But as years went by, the two younglings weren't sure if their love was maintained.

The moments and memories they've cherished will be forgotten and it will falter.

However, only their promise of friendship had not wavered.

Ara's POV

"Have you heard? The Senju and the Uchiha clan made an alliance! I can't believe it! It's truly happening."

"Are you serious? Did those clans agree on a pact? T-That's amazing!"

"I never expected such a thing to even happen. Those two clans have been fighting for years endlessly, this won't be so easy for them to handle. Both clans hated each other's guts!"

"It's real! The two mighty and powerful clans had done it, the word has spread throughout the country. I am not lying!"

"Bah! That news is too good to be true."

"You dimwit, listen to me! If you don't believe me, then you ought to travel far from here and see it for yourself."

"If it is true, then true peace will be achieved."

"Indeed, I also heard that they're planning to have a settlement."

"Huh, that's odd. They are very excited to act quite immediately."

"Who wouldn't? Wars are ending, no more blood shall be shed, and no more of our crops should be given! This food is ours now."

"But to think that war is finally ending is like a dream. This is insane!"

"It is..."

"Those two clans despised each other, I didn't imagine that they had the will to make new progress."

"Hey, be happy that this dream finally happened. No more children will have to struggle, and we will continue to live happily and peacefully. Isn't that right, Ara?"

When I heard my name being mentioned, I turned around from my chair and smiled, "You are absolutely correct." I tucked the strand of hair behind my ear and continued eating my food. I listened to the group of men who are in another table behind me, their constant chatter and gossip has become my source of gathering information.

"This is a big surprise to all of us, especially to all non-shinobi towns. We and other villages can no longer worry about scarce resources."

"Yes, you're right. In this generation, we can all start anew..."

"Ara, hey!" The old man behind me called. I stopped sipping my soup and turned around once more.

"Is there anything you need, gentlemen?"

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now