Chapter 18

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Ara's POV

"You know, you can't keep hiding from work." A lady in front of me said, holding the broom with a frown on her face.

I removed the horse's dump on the ground using a shovel, "Don't remind me, Kari-san. I believe I know what I'm doing."

"Oh? Just days ago, we saw you with a scared face when you returned back home. Something obviously happened which definitely scared the hell out of you." She stated all too simply.

I sighed, "Indeed, it scared me. What I saw back there will... It will scar me forever. But you see, I'm not hiding from work. Look what I've been doing right now, Kari-san. I'm working." I showed her the shovel.

"You're cleaning shit from horses."

"Indeed, but it's still called working."

She palmed her face, "How long are you going to do this?"

"What do you mean? I'm always working around town–"

"I meant to say, how long are you going to pretend that you're fine?" She crossed her arms with the broomstick.

I look away instantly, sweating from her statement. "It's... I need to heal, Kari-san."

"Heal from what, exactly? Though, I do not need to hear your whole story, I just need an explanation why you're cowering away from your job."

I frustratedly dig the shovel deep in the ground, "I am not cowering away! Kari-san, please understand that I've experienced traumatizing events too. I know that I'm acting odd lately, but–"

"But it doesn't change the fact that you're being a pussy."

I gaped at her own choice of words, shocked. "Kari-san! Stop cursing so much already!"

She scoffed, "I don't care. As long as I know of the well-being of my people here, I am a selfish woman who wants to know every single detail of the person. I need to know everyone's health mentally or physically in order for me to patch them up. You look wounded, child. Let me help you."

By pointing out that I'm a coward?

"I do not need you to heal me, Kari-san. It is a wound that I want to heal by myself. You do not know what I've seen, it's a sight that I will never ever forget in my life."

"Oh, but I do know what you're thinking, Ara. I may not know what made you become like this, but I have few good ideas myself."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Kari-san, trust me, I do not wish to tell anyone anymore about my story. But I hope that you will truly understand that I could handle this myself."

"Needing a hand is a good offer, you need that." She said.

"True, but not in a situation like this where I know that no one will be able to help me fix my situation. This is a moment where I have to rely in my mind and heart only. Only my will and my own strength can do this. Please, please, please..."

Kari went silent for a while, before sighing and sweeping the floor once again. "Fine then, but I will not let this matter go until I see you with smiles. Alright?"

I nodded happily, agreeing with the deal. "Yes."

"I'm only telling you this because you've been acting strange ever since. You didn't even show up to play flute for us. The little children were sad when they noticed you weren't there to be their wake-up call."

I frowned at the thought. It seems I have indeed broken father's way. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll start again soon, I don't want everyone to start off being sad first thing in the morning. It was supposed to be my duty, I don't want them to have a sad day and feeling..."

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