Chapter 17

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Ara's POV

When I arrived in town, I didn't even look at the people who're giving me odd looks. I was lost, like I'm aware of my surroundings but at the same time I do not know what I'm doing. I am walking subconsciously. I went inside my house without greeting everyone.

I am sure that they'll find it strange, but as I thought of them, I realized that I haven't brought the food nor seeds that the Uchiha was supposed to give me in return for our hard work. I slapped myself from being such an idiot.

Inside my house, I just kneeled there in the middle of the room, staring at the wooden wall for hours and hours. I couldn't seem to remove the image in my mind. I can never ignore the fact that I've seen people being killed in the worst way possible.

What's worse is that it has to be Madara Uchiha. The one I considered my own friend, until I remembered how I resented them, the shinobi as a whole...

Although my people are living a good life nowadays, I grew disgusted with the term, shinobi. Thinking back, I remembered the time when I thought that being a shinobi is good for me. I wanted to know what it feels like to be a shinobi, but now... I feel like I'm starting to regret it.

If being a shinobi is meant to do those crucial actions, then I will not become one since I don't ever want to do... what Madara did.

Live and die... Shinobi are born to do this?

Madara Uchiha. I never expected that he's that kind of a person. I knew that he's exceptionally strong, intelligent, unique... a prodigy!

But what he's done made me want to vomit again. He killed them easily, it made it look so simple! How can he do that without getting disgusted!? Taking one's life without any emotion at all, it's insane! However, I simply ignore another fact that Madara is a shinobi, who kills and goes to war for a living. Why, oh why, did I ever ignore that!? He was just right in front of me, my naked eyes!

I didn't realize that I was trembling. I hugged myself, tightly. "What the hell..."

A knock is heard through the door, I jumped in fright because the house was so silent. I didn't even notice that it's getting dark, and I've been kneeling there without moving an inch for hours. When I stood up, every part of my body was numb. My bones groaned and I winced when I stood up, my knees are red from kneeling too much.

I seethed in pain when I tried to walk, almost falling to the ground. Luckily, I was able to hold myself up and opened the door.

It was Yakazino.

My eyes widened, "Y-Yakazino-san? What are you–"

"Child, what are you thinking?" He asked, his voice is full of concern.

"I..." Looking away, I felt the guilt eating me alive when I remembered that I didn't bring something for the people. "I apologize, Yakazino-san. I didn't bring anything today, I was being clumsy and I completely forgot about–"

"That is not what I meant, Ara."

I gulped, still avoiding his eyes. "I do not wish to talk about it, I'm sorry." Just when I was about to close the door, his foot stopped it from closing.

He sighed, "I'm a persistent man, I need to hear everything. I will protect my townsmen and women, you are a part of my big family. Whatever happens, I will understand. Just to let you know, I have to learn what happened because I'm willing to do everything to make everyone happy as well."

Tears are making their way in my eyes as he continued, "You think you'll be the only one to bring joy to our town? I'm here too, gal! You are an entertainment, you are the one who brings joy, but I'll be everyone's comfort. Now, let me hear you, kid."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now