Chapter 22

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Madara's POV

"Sir! The Senju are already ahead of us!" One of my comrades yelled.

My father nodded, eyes narrowed. "Indeed, I can see them clearly." He released a heavy breath. "Good grief, Butsuma is really an impatient one." He turned around to look at us with his sharingan already activated, "Let's give them hell!"

"Yes, sir!" We yelled. Then we screamed our battle cry, our determined shouts echoed throughout the forest, letting the Senju know that we're coming. My grip tightened on the hilt of my sword. I'm fully prepared to face Hashirama again.

It wasn't long till all our blades clashed with the enemy. We grunted, panted, screamed, yelled, spit blood, fell and jumped... It's a sight where I had gotten used to, feelings that I already experienced.

I smirked when I spotted Hashirama coming straight towards me. I unsheathed my blade and soon our swords clang. As expected, we struggled for strength, trying to overpower the other. I locked eyes with him and I gritted my teeth when I was unable to overthrow him.

In that position, I had a short conversation with him. My teeth grind with each other, "Hashirama... I'm looking forward to our dance."

His brows furrowed, frustrated but unperturbed. "You are too excited, Madara."

We both separated, taking a jump back before clashing once again. "I am always excited to kill you, how come do you always forget!?" I threw a kick at him, aiming his head, but he managed to dodge it and took a step back before our blades kissed once again.

The sound of our swords ringing echoed, "But I am your friend, Madara!"

Not that again...

"Silence!" I formed a hand seal, a big gust of fire occupied the surroundings but he managed to avoid the seething flames. Hashirama wiped the sweat forming on his forehead and charged at me, but I jumped above him in an attempt to crush his skull from above.

He swiftly dodged once again, I dropped to the ground and broke the surface of the rough floor. I glared at him in frustration.

Hashirama continued his banter, "Can't you see it? We both have similarities... to protect our clans! We are unable to do that because we are bringing ourselves to war and killing each other's comrades every day. Stopping this is a solution, no more of our loved ones should die."

I scoffed, not needing to hear this one right now, and not when I have the intent to kill him right here. "Then give up and die, idiot! If you are willing to end this war, end it by killing yourself right here. It is not possible for us to show our guts to each other, you know that better!" I thrust the tip of my sword at him, he blocked it with his own blade.

"Think about your friends! Think about your brother! Aren't you going to risk your lives for them? You said to yourself that you'll protect your people, then hear my words!" He yelled, as if yelling will help him get his words stuck into my head.

I gave him a good kick, he blocked it with his forearm, but the strength I used in my leg had given an impact. Hashirama flew back yet he managed to stay balanced, I didn't give him time to regain his composure when I immediately gave him the blow of my fist. His head threw back when I managed to hit his chin, he fell on the ground roughly, and when I was about to stab him straight in the stomach, he used his legs to kick me on the stomach.

I was thrown away with a grunt, my back hit the rough ground yet I quickly stood up, trying not to let the enemy have the upper-hand. Hashirama wiped the blood coming from his mouth as he inhaled and exhaled.

"Those words again? How long are you going to keep that up, Hashirama!?" I yelled, tightening my hold of the hilt.

He ignored me, his eyes filled with determination. "We all wanted peace, we wanted things to end... Let's think of the ones we hold dear, the ones we called as friends or family. Madara, think of a person who wanted to end the war. Think of a person who is selfless and who puts their people above themselves. I am sure you know of someone..."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now