Chapter 34

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Ara's POV

My strange feeling right now is quite different from what I always feel when I reach the Uchiha compound. Usually, I have grown to look forward to every meeting with Madara. Today, however, is an exception. I'm alarmed, wary, and more guarded than I ever was. The fact that I felt prepared for something to happen is quite understandable. The adrenaline to be prepared has stayed in my veins ever since I ought to travel here. Maybe it is because of Madara. I definitely know that I'll be training more intensely than before from now on, however, that is not the only matter I am worried about.

Once Madara sees the condition I am in, he'll be the one to decide whether or not the training would be much more intense than I ever expected, or he'll make the training a bit slow but effective nevertheless. He is a boy that can read through everyone's eyes and knows exactly what he's about to do. And it is not only because he is an Uchiha. That tricky boy is going to be very difficult to budge.

I'm not even playing a flute right now, it's too nerve-wracking when I know that I'm about to face Madara's... talk.

There, I saw the gate of the Uchiha's compound. The signature fan, painted with red and white, can be easily spotted in their flag. I breathed in and out, nervous and scared of the reaction once Madara noticed I'm riding a horse and the multiple bandages wrapped in my body to the head.

It didn't take long before I made it inside. My awareness level is so high that I sensed Madara's presence arriving just behind me even though he is completely silent.


The mention of my name and his voice alone is enough to make me feel the odd chills. My shoulders went tense, my spine straightened, and I breathed in and out to calm myself. So slowly, I made the horse turn to look at him. There he was...

A serious-looking Madara, with his eyes so dark that I thought he had his sharingan activated, stood there like a statue. A wind came down heavily, it blew his hair and covered his face. It only made it look like the shadow is hiding his eyes. I couldn't quite see nor read his expression... yet all I know is that he's about to bring hell.

"This feels nostalgic, isn't it?" Madara walked towards me, menacingly. He was beside me now, taking the leash of the horse from me. "I used to frighten you once you arrived with your horse while you were so engrossed in playing the flute. And it seemed like a duty to take the leash from you and lead the horse to my personal training grounds. Do you still remember those simple days?"

I gulped, my voice shaking a little, "All too clearly, Madara."

He hummed, as he began leading the horse that I'm still mounted on to his training ground. "Well, given the situation you are in, it's not the one you expected for a greeting."


"However, it is very ridiculous. A funny situation in fact..." We walked silently, the eerie silence making me feel uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke again, "Can you tell me, Ara? In detail over what in the hell happened to your body?"

I bit my lip, hesitating. The tone he uses is not making me feel comfortable at every moment, "I thought my friend had told you–"

"Not enough."

I paused, caught off guard by his sudden interruption, and then sighed, "Fine... Since you're such a stubborn and persistent little brat, I'll tell you everything."

And so I did. When we reached his training grounds, we sat there in the same fallen log and I started explaining the small eventful but horrifying day I experienced in the Hyūga clan. I don't know why Madara had made this such a big deal, I don't know why he has to make a fuss about it, but he's clearly listening intensively. Watching me as I talk, with his hands linked together that pressed in his chin, never taking his eyes off of me .

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now