Chapter 8

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*Some of you may feel odd about Madara's personality here in my book, I guess it's my own perspective of how I shape him or how I 'describe' him in a way. In my version, he's playful but kind of a serious boy, he's happy, cool and well... a boy that acts of his age (except this is war and war changes everyone, so it seems). But, do take note that Madara still has his loved ones here, he had his brother, Izuna who is still alive, meaning he hasn't yet gone deeper in the darkness.

And also, take note that this is after Madara and Hashirama found out their identities of each other, and although Madara should (might) look depressed of losing a childhood friend who he has spent a lot of moments with, he still has his brother... and his friend, Ara! I hope you understand how I kind of changed Madara's personality, he is still the same old Madara like in the actual Naruto canon, but we were only given like three or two episodes of 'child' version of Madara which is not enough for us to know about their personality when he was a child, we only get to know their child self in a very little period of time, so please understand me.

Anyways, in other words (a short cut)... Madara is still a naive child, he is not lost in the darkness yet, he still has his loved ones and he is still... well... a kid.

*All the explanation that has been said from Madara is based on research itself, I find it difficult to write or explain myself about the incoming topics he had to explain, but thank google for that.

Ara's POV

It's my third time visiting the Uchiha compound. It almost feels like a daily routine to see Madara jumping out of nowhere to greet me, frightening me to death which I scold him in return. And every time, he will take the leash of the horse from me, and lead me to his training grounds.

"There are five basic natures... Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water. These are the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. We, the Uchiha, specialized in Fire nature. If you took a closer look at our emblem, it's a fan-shape symbol. The Uchiha name literally means paper fan or uchiwa, and uchiwa can be used to fan flames. It is why the Uchiha is a clan of Fire Release users." Madara placed a hand on his hip.

My eyes widened in astonishment, "Amazing! Is it the same to other clans as well?"

He pursed his lips, "I'm not sure, I believe there are other clans, but let's get back to the topic. With these elemental releases, each of them have weakness against each other. For example, fire is weak against water, but fire is strong against wind, and so on and on... However even though your own elemental release is weak against this certain element, you can still overpower it. How? Well, there is a combination or a way of partnering it to another nature. An example, fire release can overpower water release even though the fire's weakness is water, because if the fire is strengthened by a wind release, it can definitely win against a water release. It's like combining the strength of it."

I blinked, "I see... that's pretty insane to think."

He nodded, "Combining the strength against the weakness of it, you can win. If your opponent is strong enough and uses a release which is your weakness, you can overpower your opponent by taking advantage of the strength."

"Hey, Madara-sensei, will I be able to do hand seals or releases?" I rubbed my left thumb using my right, "Even though I am not a shinobi, I want to know if I am capable of doing so."

He placed a hand under his chin, thinking. "Indeed. But to do so, one must know its affinity."

I tilted my head in confusion, "Affinity?"

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now