Chapter 23

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*Here's a fun fact: Itama Senju and Izuna Uchiha (young) are voice acted by the same person, and she is a female! The voice actress had a role of Maki (war arc), Karin's mother, Killer bee (young), Genma Shiranui (young), Naori Uchiha and other Naruto characters. Isn't that awesome!?

*Another fun fact: Tobirama Senju (young), Black Zetzu (young), Kagami Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha (young), Naka Uchiha and other Naruto characters are voice acted by the same person! How ironic, Tobirama, a Senju who played a lot of Uchiha roles...

Fun fact about me: I like to search voice actors and actresses of characters I see or know in anime and surprise myself. It's really hilarious. I guess that's one of my perks. LOL

Ara's POV

Confess? What does he mean?

"Are you assuming that I have grown feelings for you?" I scoffed, turning away from him. "Grow up, Madara. I thought you knew better."

Madara did nothing but chuckle, "You are hiding your feelings well, I sincerely applaud that. However, what I'm trying to say is you didn't know about your own feelings, I presume."

"I know my feelings well, thank you very much." I remarked, as I avoided looking at his eyes.

"But you keep denying it."

"I am not denying anything!"

"Then confess your feelings. It's not that hard."

"I don't have feelings for you, damn it! Why the hell are we even talking about this?" I gritted my teeth in frustration.

Madara's lips turned into a tiny pout, "Because you made me sad."

That made me confused. "Sad, how?"

His words surprised me. "You didn't say you like me back..."

I pretended not to hear that as I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Madara, you are acting like a kid who's not getting his favorite sweets or something."

He shrugged, "Don't complain. You don't know how much you're hurting me, Ara." He clutched the shirt on his chest, acting like he's hurting from a heartache. "Don't you realize it yourself? I know you like me."

Indeed, I had felt an unknown feeling in which it keeps developing... I don't know it, but it blooms when I'm around him. Is this what it feels like to have a crush? Whatever it is, I don't deny that I'm feeling such things.

"Stop it, I don't know what you're saying. Even if I do have feelings, I wouldn't be so rude to you..."

He smiled, almost too sinister. "Rude or not, it doesn't matter as long as I know that you truly do like me."

I grunted, my cheeks beginning to heat. "Stop it. You don't even know if you could win this challenge anyways."

"Oh, I will always win. You will never know..." He grinned with visible pure evil. His eyes glinted like he already knew what he's going to do.

I raised my chin high, placing a hand on my hip. A feeling of confidence flared up within me as of this moment. "Watch me, you'll see how well I can be."

And so, throughout the full week, I trained myself. I did what Madara had told me to do, my training or exercises were harsh but I am willing to push myself even further to extend my stamina. This is a part of my plan as well. With this training, it will help me win the challenge.

As days go by, I am now able to jump on trees to trees. I am also able to land gently on the ground, run with full speed, and do movements that shinobi can do. For once, I felt like a true shinobi... But I can't walk on walls nor walk on water, I still don't have much training or skills to do that.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now