Chapter 39

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*To those who don't know. English isn't my first language. So, I'm very sorry if my grammar is incorrect. I hope you understand that I'm trying my best for you to understand the book. Thanks <3

Ara's POV

"Madara, what's wrong?" I walked closer to him, the boy was looking at the far distance which made me realize that he's out of the world thinking long and deep. This was something very surprising and new to me. Well, not really, but Madara is rarely preoccupied with his thoughts, especially when he is busy all the time.

When he didn't respond, that made me worry even more. "Madara?" I nudged his side of the stomach, thankfully, he snapped back to reality and glanced at me.

His eyes widened and gave me a tight-lipped smile, a smile almost too forceful for me, "Oh! I apologize... I was just thinking."

I smiled despite the tension growing in the atmosphere, "I wonder what thoughts made you distracted."

At the word distracted, his eyes became sharp and his brows furrowed, obviously disturbed by my chosen words, "I am not distracted and I never will be!" Madara snapped.

My mouth gape opened slightly from his sudden expression, "Calm down, Madara. What's gotten into you?" Even though I know he didn't mean to do that, my heart still feels heavy.

Madara bit his lip as if he suddenly noticed his change of mood, looking away for a second, "I'm s-sorry! I–" He cleared his throat and walked closer to me. "Everything was suddenly busy..."

Why can I hear the uncertainty in his voice?

I nodded anyways, understanding his point of view, "I see... Well, you don't have to put pressure on yourself in such a thought! I'm sure everything will turn out well. Of course, rough times won't easily fly away, I am sure the work you do will go in your way. Just believe in yourself." I grinned at him, in an attempt to cheer him up.

Madara stared at me for a second, blinking twice, and then his shoulders relaxed and gave me a calm smile, "I think it will... Hopefully."

"Continue hoping."

When we reach the exit gate, my horse is already waiting there. It stood healthy and strong. I'm happy that they took care of it very well. I wouldn't have to worry about Yakazino's yelling anymore.


I turned to look at him, "What is it?"

Madara's eyes are suddenly clouded, I am unable to read him properly. Once again, his behavior came out of nowhere. Something is wrong with him... I wonder what caused him to feel so sad. The change of atmosphere and mood shocked me.

"Can you come with me for a moment. I-I need to tell you something." He took my hand, clasping it tight. He tugged and pulled me near him, leaving no room for argument, as if he's growing desperate.

I realized that he's leading me to our training grounds, where we usually hang out. I am utterly confused as to the reason why he brought me here early in the morning. Something tells me that our discussion won't be about training and other physical activity.

His steps are frantic or hurried, I studied him for a moment, it was then I realized that he looks alarmed and unprepared. His hold is even tighter than usual, making me struggle to pull away from his tight and almost painful grip. I have to catch up to his fast pace. There was no slowing down and I'm having difficulty walking this fast since I wasn't fully recovered yet. He doesn't seem to realize that I'm struggling, but I kept quiet anyways.

When we stopped in the middle of the field, he didn't take his hand off mine. I walked in front of him, wanting to face the Uchiha, the worry was visible in my face and I did not bother trying to hide it.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now