Chapter 29

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Ara's POV

"I didn't know you would look like that." Madara blurted bluntly, as we walked outside the clothing shop. "I didn't expect that you would look so..."

I am offended, he still cannot even properly utter a compliment! How is this kid a lord when he doesn't have manners to compliment a woman? Oh, that's right... he's a war freak, there's no manners when it comes to fighting.

The only thing I did is to scoff at him, "Can you please get over it? Yes, I am like this. Yes, it's my first time being like this so I'm shocked too. Yes, I look ridiculous. Yes, I don't–"

"You don't look ridiculous." He said, cutting me off, then he eyes me up and down once again. "You look..."

I groaned out loud and palmed my face, "Forget it, Madara. Shut up!"

"But... But..."

"But nothing." I finished for him, "You don't have to say anything nice. I can tell you're not really good at complimenting stuff. Oh, boy... I didn't think you were this prideful."

He gulped, blushing slightly. "I apologize... It's not like I was not taught to learn proper words to speak to a lady, but since we've known each other for how many weeks now, all we've done is to make fun and laugh at each other. I am too comfortable with your presence and we both keep acting weird as well. So, I didn't really know what to say." He said, sheepishly, his tone in an expression of regret.

I sighed, "It doesn't matter anymore, Madara. You don't fit in this kind of role anyways." I chuckled, watching his face morphed into a ridiculous one. "Besides... I don't really give a damn about my appearance. You want me to look like this, then I shall do it for your sake and reputation."

He didn't say anything for a while, he just looked at me like he felt guilty of something. I ignored the look on his face and walked beside him. I tugged at his sleeves and grinned, "Now... where to, Madara-sama?"

At the mention of his name with title, the corner of his lips tilted, then he took my hand and enclosed it with his. I felt myself starting to blush as he smirked handsomely. "Just follow me."

Madara was with me all the time, he never made me feel alone or lonely in this celebration. He took me to a booth where we scoop goldfish, which proved difficult to even capture one. He took me to a hit-the-target that is so difficult, which it even made the Uchiha clan members struggle to even hit the center, especially with their sharingan on! Madara gracefully threw a kunai at the target and shot perfectly in the dead center.

Everyone was cheering for him because of how amazing or how talented he is, watching him makes it look so easy. I think he's the only Uchiha here who is able to hit the target cleanly, smoothly, and perfectly. It also made it look like he is a level higher than the rest of the Uchiha, making it pathetic to look at the struggling Uchiha's! Madara isn't even using his sharingan.

He scored all of them, which means he can choose the prize he wanted. Since I still suck at weapons, I don't dare join the game since a lot of the Uchiha are watching him right now. I can't be the center of the attention, embarrassing myself is just too much. All I did was cheer him on, clapping at every hit he took.

But when he chose the prize, it was a small but beautiful bouquet of flowers with a small Uchiha fan in the middle. Madara, the war friek himself, turned around, and handed it to me.

My jaw dropped, stunned.

What the...!?

I took them gently, blushing madly when people diverted their attention from him to me. I am practically squealing inside to the point I wanted to die right there from either embarrassment, bashfulness, or awkwardness.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now