Chapter 36

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Ara's POV

"You are strictly prohibited to train for two weeks." Madara declared.

My jaw dropped, obviously stunned, "W-What!?"

The Uchiha simply crossed his arms, tilting his head slightly, "You've heard me."

"B-But... What about the training? We just started the training!"

"Indeed it has started, healing is part of the training as well."

His words are enough to make me frown, "I was looking forward to it... Even though I understood it's going to be difficult, I am excited to do more training."

Madara scoffed, narrowing his eyes at me that is full of mockery, "Is that so? I can see that. You have become quite excited that you've completely ignored the pain you've gone through, especially with those wounds of yours... You did not even bother telling me that your condition was getting worse! As your punishment, you won't be allowed to train or move yourself too much. Even a slightest bit of movement is deemed dangerous for your health. I will not tolerate any more of your constant nagging if you ever think you are fine, let me be the judge of that to decide whether or not you can train."

My lips pursed, annoyed at his words but at the same time understanding him in which I can't help but comply. Since he is an expert at this, I will follow. I scowled at him, "Fine, I'm only agreeing because you're the teacher."

His lips tilted in the corner, forming into a sneaky smirk, "Once I'm sure you're completely healed, I'll make the training twice or thrice harder than the last training you've undergone with me."

I gritted my teeth, "Huh!?" I showed him my fist, frustrated by his statement, "Unfair!"

"No, it is not unfair. I've given you two weeks of rest, in return of those missing days, I will make you train harder by the time you are well."

This boy is insane! How did I even like this boy!?

Still curling my hands into a tight fist, I did not have much of a choice and said, "Whatever you say, Madara-sensei." I looked away from him, scoffing, changing my tone into a mocking one as I mentioned his name.

He snickered from my childish actions, "I need you to rest one more day, you can leave tomorrow. I'll think of an idea to make time fly faster."

I looked at him once again, my brow rose, "I've woken up just yesterday. Wouldn't it be fine for me to leave today?"

Madara shook his head, "Your condition today is far worse than the condition you've managed to handle back at the Hyūga compound. The treatment you're receiving right now is effective, but because of the state you are having at this moment, we can't release you just yet. It is unfavorable, yet this is in hopes to heal your body faster."

That worries me, I bit my lip and asked, "What should I do then? I can't lie here and stare at the ceiling for hours!"

Madara placed a hand under his chin, like he's thinking of something, rubbing it as if he has his own beard and his eyes travelling around. "That's what I'm trying to think of, Ara." Then he straightened up, "Try standing up... The medics had told me that you can move around, but they aren't sure of your state at this moment. You might have difficulty standing or even walk."

I nodded, flaring my nose, "I see... It will, at least, make me prepared for tomorrow's departure."

Madara nodded, "Exactly." I remove the blanket that drapes around my body, and in that position, I slowly stretch my legs and move them. When I tried folding them, I looked up at Madara and gave him a thumbs-up, "I think they're fine."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now