Chapter 5

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Ara's POV

My sweaty hands and a nervous smile didn't help me focus on my work as I headed to their medical area. I smiled at every Uchiha that I met on the roads, trying to prove to them that I'm not a bad person. But it didn't help since my guide for today is... the great Uchiha idiot. I mean, Madara.

"I still don't trust you," The great Uchiha idiot, I mean Madara, declared as he crossed his arms and gave me a look.

I rolled my eyes and walked in front of him, keeping him out of my sight. "Whatever, it's not like you can do anything about it. Your father told everyone that I'm innocent, you're just sour because I proved you wrong."

He scoffed, nostrils flared. "Proved me wrong, my ass! You might act like an innocent little girl, but deep down you might be an evil witch!"

That somehow ticked me off. I swiftly turned around, giving him my best evil glare. "Excuse me? A witch, you say? Bold for a scum like you to even utter those words at me."

His brows furrowed and leaned closer to me, scowling. "You disrespectful bitch, no one gets to live the next minute when they insult me in front of my face!"

"Screw you, crazy imbecile! Like I give a damn about your ego and pride and words. I'll give you disrespect if you disrespect me in return, idiot!" I, too, leaned closer as I kept throwing insults at him. Our faces are so close but we're too angry at each other to even notice.

"Huh!? You're the one who disrespect me first!" He yelled.

"No, you were the one who disrespected me first! You didn't even listen to me in the forest and accused me!" I yelled back.

He gritted his teeth, growing frustrated. "It wasn't my fault that you entered the Uchiha compound without our knowledge. Everyone would be suspicious too if someone entered their home with no permission!"

"But I'm sure you can ask me nicely and carefully, you can't just knock someone out and threaten them with a sword! You don't have to trust me, you just have to listen to me!" I showed him my fist, as if showing him that I can seriously punch him in the face out of rage.

"I don't–"

"Elder brother?"

That frightened me. Our heads snapped back to a familiar-looking boy with spiky hair, the same boy who sat beside Madara during their meeting. He looked at us with an amused but confused expression.

"I-Izuna!?" Madara took a step back away, then I realized that we were too close in my liking and we were probably yelling so damn loud that almost everyone here was clearly watching us throw insults at each other. It's probably the most entertaining sight for them. I reddened in embarrassment.

"You're disturbing the others, elder brother. What is happening?" The boy asked, looking between me and his brother.

I looked away, trying to hide the embarrassed blush in my cheeks.

"I was just um, escorting her to the medical area." Madara answered, scratching the back of his head.

The corner of Izuna's lips lifted up, forming a smirk as he gave him a questioning look. "Oh? I thought so. I was standing here for a little while now, I wondered if it would take until midnight to finish your love quarrel."


I snapped my head to Izuna, "Love quarrel!? Hey, brat, are you blind?" I pointed at him, "Did you bang your head with something or what? I think you're confusing what love quarrel means over this shouting match?"

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now